Bible Study?


New Member
Maybe on a weekly basis or somthing?

I was raised a Christian, but as of late have lost the desire to keep up/get in touch with my journey :perplexed

Despite growing up in the church, I have never read the Bible, and actually know little to none about the stories/messages/etc. within it.

I am very analytical, and find myself needing facts to back up the things that I read. So in other words, i'm lacking the faith component here.

I was hoping that we can study a book of the bible every week. Just read and discuss, and continue this method until we have gotten through the Bible.
That sounds good. I believe there is a thread in which the ladies are doing that, even though we can do it here too. Up to you! :)
Where should we start?

One lady told me to start with Romans. She said this is where you get to know Jesus ?

Maybe..? :lol:
I'm up for it, although I may not be starting off where you are CurlyBeauty, I definitely understand being analytical. I love my church but I feel I need a more in depth discussion and things need to make sense to me. For example we (believers) are the salt of the earth, the explanation was salt is flavor and thus we are the flavor of the earth, I said what!! that makes no sense, what is the relationship between flavor and the earth, no one could answer me that but kept reiterating that its flavor. My explanation was that salt produces thirst and Jesus is described as the living water, so us being salt of the earth to me means we are to induce a thirst for Jesus, everyone told me I was wrong but could not explain why other than salt means flavor... All that to say yes I'm definitely interested in joining lol
I'm up for it, although I may not be starting off where you are CurlyBeauty, I definitely understand being analytical. I love my church but I feel I need a more in depth discussion and things need to make sense to me. For example we (believers) are the salt of the earth, the explanation was salt is flavor and thus we are the flavor of the earth, I said what!! that makes no sense, what is the relationship between flavor and the earth, no one could answer me that but kept reiterating that its flavor. My explanation was that salt produces thirst and Jesus is described as the living water, so us being salt of the earth to me means we are to induce a thirst for Jesus, everyone told me I was wrong but could not explain why other than salt means flavor... All that to say yes I'm definitely interested in joining lol

I like your logic more :look:

We seem to think the same, so this journey should be interesting...
May I make a suggestion? One way to really open up the meaning of Scripture is to study the history of what was going on back then. For example: why was salt so important? Not only do our bodies need it, but it was used to preserve meat and fish, carried around like money, and exchanged to seal a covenant (salt covenant).
I'm up for it, although I may not be starting off where you are CurlyBeauty, I definitely understand being analytical. I love my church but I feel I need a more in depth discussion and things need to make sense to me. For example we (believers) are the salt of the earth, the explanation was salt is flavor and thus we are the flavor of the earth, I said what!! that makes no sense, what is the relationship between flavor and the earth, no one could answer me that but kept reiterating that its flavor. My explanation was that salt produces thirst and Jesus is described as the living water, so us being salt of the earth to me means we are to induce a thirst for Jesus, everyone told me I was wrong but could not explain why other than salt means flavor... All that to say yes I'm definitely interested in joining lol

Salt was a preservative. The g-dly can be a hedge against evil in the world. Salt definitely makes us thirsty, tho!!!:yep:
May I make a suggestion? One way to really open up the meaning of Scripture is to study the history of what was going on back then. For example: why was salt so important? Not only do our bodies need it, but it was used to preserve meat and fish, carried around like money, and exchanged to seal a covenant (salt covenant).

I love this!! This is the kind of input that i'm looking for. The facts from history being tied into the scripture!!! Love it!
I agree about looking into history, which is what my bf and i did after bible study the above answer was my initial response partly because I'm a nurse. However I did not know it was used as a covenant, I'm so loving this!!!