Bible Memorization -let’s Memorize Scripture Together

Excellent! TFS!

Here is the blog post where I recently encountered Proverbs 31:31. I took the scripture differently from the way the blog post author took it. Lol.

Regardless, that scripture is helping me tremendously.

Here are my thoughts about this weeks scripture in terms of the blog post that discussed it . . .

So, I have mentioned this before on the forum, but I grew up around INADVERTENTLY harmful christians who used fear, anxiety, worry, condemnation, judgment, scripture, guilt, legalism, and stress to keep church members worried and attentive. All of these things were weaponized. "Christianity" was thus weaponized, since that was all I knew of christianity. I don't think it was malicious, but it has affected me deeply and been a huge challenge in my life.

So, I am certain the blog author didn't write it this way and that it is partially that upbringing of mine that causes me to feel this way but . . . I find the verse so freeing and encouraging, but only DESPITE how she wrote about it.

I like her, but she blogged the following about this verse, which is from Proverbs 31, the "virtuous woman," uplifting proverbs:
Give her of the fruit of her hand’. What if she didn’t do so well, what does she get? ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands’, not her mother’s hand, or her sister’s hand, not even her friend’s hand.  ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands’, not one hand, but two. What if she wasted her time? What if she didn’t use her time wisely? Will she reap nothing? ‘Let her OWN works praise her in the gates!’ What does that mean? . . .

Give her of the fruit of her hands’, that’s a pretty scary verse, isn’t it? What if she does badly? What if she was mean? What If she lived life carelessly? What if she lived in her world, caring very little for those around her, in fact hardly noticing them? ‘Give her the fruit of her hands’. Will she ‘reap then, what she sows’?

Wow! I had better remember that, Lord.  I can’t hide behind my family name, I can’t hide behind the works of my husband, or even that of my children.  What did I do with my time? Did I make it profitable? Did I serve my King well? ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates’.. Let’s live life well.

My Lord! This is Proverbs 31. I always feel so inspired, encouraged, positive, and HOPEFUL when I read Proverbs 31!

So, basically, she saw in that verse "I reap what I sow? Oh, no!!! :("

And I saw, "I reap what I sow?!!! Yes!!!!!!!! I have permission to sow, reap, and enjoy the just rewards without feeling like that is being earthly minded, carnal minded, a worshipper of money/mammon, etc. I am being encouraged to be wisely industrious and not just be a supporter of everyone else's endeavors but to have my own endeavors and to enjoy doing well with them."

I don't know about you all, but sometimes I spend so much time concerned about the children's success and resultant feelings, the husband's, my male sibling . . . sometimes it's hard to find that balance, be about my endeavors and ministry, etc.

Also, sometimes instead of focusing on my race, I look at others who may be getting their dreams faster, had less to learn or overcome, made fewer mistakes, had better support, etc.

So when the scripture said, "Let her OWN WORKS praise her," I thought "Not just the piggy back works of my husband's or children's that I have a big part in . . . but this is for ME. I get to have my things, too. Guilt free. Aaaaaaand the just rewards are to be enjoyed guilt free. So, Yvette, stop looking at others' faster or better whatever.

Yes, "Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates!!!" Lord, I will work smartly, wisely, and joyfully, knowing that you want me to be given the fruits of my hands! Thank you for my "hands," Father! You're such a good, good Father! Bless our hands and keep our hearts in love with You more than even the just gifts you want us to have and to bless others with.

That was my take. I got so much encouragement and inspiration and freedom from that verse.
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Every time I have the wrong type of thinking about where I'm at concerning my career, goals, projects, and the like . . . I will shut down, override, and replace those types of thoughts by reciting the scripture out loud:

Proverbs 31:31 (NKJV)

Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates.

Success and achievement are ours if we go get them with His blessing and help.
Every time I have the wrong type of thinking about where I'm at concerning my career, goals, projects, and the like . . . I will shut down, override, and replace those types of thoughts by reciting the scri
Ladies, before we move on to the next scripture, do we have any praise reports? Anyone want to share how the scripture blessed them last week?


Having to make sense of last week's scripture had me in the bible more.

This thread overall is helping me to post and read at LHCF more spiritually. (Sometimes here I read about or discuss topics here that don't edify, mainly because I can't get these things off my chest in real life, and no one in real life walks up to me and constantly discusses such things.)

Here are my thoughts about this weeks scripture in terms of the blog post that discussed it . . .

So, I have mentioned this before on the forum, but I grew up around INADVERTENTLY harmful christians who used fear, anxiety, worry, condemnation, judgment, scripture, guilt, legalism, and stress to keep church members worried and attentive. All of these things were weaponized. "Christianity" was thus weaponized, since that was all I knew of christianity. I don't think it was malicious, but it has affected me deeply and been a huge challenge in my life.

So, I am certain the blog author didn't write it this way and that it is partially that upbringing of mine that causes me to feel this way but . . . I find the verse so freeing and encouraging, but only DESPITE how she wrote about it.

I like her, but she blogged the following about this verse, which is from Proverbs 31, the "virtuous woman," uplifting proverbs:
Give her of the fruit of her hand’. What if she didn’t do so well, what does she get? ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands’, not her mother’s hand, or her sister’s hand, not even her friend’s hand.  ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands’, not one hand, but two. What if she wasted her time? What if she didn’t use her time wisely? Will she reap nothing? ‘Let her OWN works praise her in the gates!’ What does that mean? . . .

Give her of the fruit of her hands’, that’s a pretty scary verse, isn’t it? What if she does badly? What if she was mean? What If she lived life carelessly? What if she lived in her world, caring very little for those around her, in fact hardly noticing them? ‘Give her the fruit of her hands’. Will she ‘reap then, what she sows’?

Wow! I had better remember that, Lord.  I can’t hide behind my family name, I can’t hide behind the works of my husband, or even that of my children.  What did I do with my time? Did I make it profitable? Did I serve my King well? ‘Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates’.. Let’s live life well.

My Lord! This is Proverbs 31. I always feel so inspired, encouraged, positive, and HOPEFUL when I read Proverbs 31!

So, basically, she saw in that verse "I reap what I sow? Oh, no!!! :("

And I saw, "I reap what I sow?!!! Yes!!!!!!!! I have permission to sow, reap, and enjoy the just rewards without feeling like that is being earthly minded, carnal minded, a worshipper of money/mammon, etc. I am being encouraged to be wisely industrious and not just be a supporter of everyone else's endeavors but to have my own endeavors and to enjoy doing well with them."

I don't know about you all, but sometimes I spend so much time concerned about the children's success and resultant feelings, the husband's, my male sibling . . . sometimes it's hard to find that balance, be about my endeavors and ministry, etc.

Also, sometimes instead of focusing on my race, I look at others who may be getting their dreams faster, had less to learn or overcome, made fewer mistakes, had better support, etc.

So when the scripture said, "Let her OWN WORKS praise her," I thought "Not just the piggy back works of my husband's or children's that I have a big part in . . . but this is for ME. I get to have my things, too. Guilt free. Aaaaaaand the just rewards are to be enjoyed guilt free. So, Yvette, stop looking at others' faster or better whatever.

Yes, "Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates!!!" Lord, I will work smartly, wisely, and joyfully, knowing that you want me to be given the fruits of my hands! Thank you for my "hands," Father! You're such a good, good Father! Bless our hands and keep our hearts in love with You more than even the just gifts you want us to have and to bless others with.

That was my take. I got so much encouragement and inspiration and freedom from that verse.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the verse and the author's commentary. I appreciate hearing a different perspective.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the verse and the author's commentary. I appreciate hearing a different perspective.


I think I get what the blog author was trying to do. :yep: Perhaps she wanted to emphasize the scripture by saying, basically, "Take this scripture seriously, because you are RESPONSIBLE if you are to get any fruits of your labor. So don't mess up!!"

But when she said the concept/verse is scary, it made things negative for me. I'm tired of every Christian concept being scary because "You know, the flip side of this means so-and-so, so let fear remind you to obey/honor this!"

I know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but the scripture says "The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind." I think there is fear = respect . . . and there is fear = scared.

Idk. :lol: There is healthy fear, but I am super sensitive to the infusion of fear into things, especially scripture.
I don’t know about you guys, but as I do this thing call life, as attacks happen I have to remind myself what faith is and how to walk in it. My prayer is that this week we can dive into walking in faith. I struggle sometimes believing what I don’t see. I have to make myself make a bold confession and then believe it! FAITH!!!
I love this one, Nikki.

I memorized it as a child and have never forgotten it. It feels good to be able to easily type it from memory. :yep: :up:

The KJV for this scripture rocks!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

So then . . .

Faith is a substance. Just think about that! Look up the definition of "substance." That faith is a substance. Wow.

And then, faith is evidence. Evidence! As in, proof? Wow! Think about that!!!
I love this one, Nikki.

I memorized it as a child and have never forgotten it. It feels good to be able to easily type it from memory. :yep: :up:

The KJV for this scripture rocks!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

So then . . .

Faith is a substance. Just think about that! Look up the definition of "substance." That faith is a substance. Wow.

And then, faith is evidence. Evidence! As in, proof? Wow! Think about that!!!

Yes indeed! I think I will do the KJ version.
Hebrews 11:1

A timely scripture for me. Lately for whatever reason, I have found myself questioning if I am wasting my time or if God is there.
The good news is this made me realize I have some brushing up to do. It isn't spiritually safe for me to get to point where I entertain such thoughts.
I just found the most amazing scripture memory app. It rocks!

My current memory verse is:

Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her at the gates. Proverbs 31:31

This app, called Remember Me, allows for practice, activities, etc. toward learning the verse.

Here's a screen with the first letter of each word provided, to guide recitation/recall until memorized.


If I turn my keyboard microphone on, one of the activities checks my ability to recite it (otherwise it will check my ability to type/tap it). So, as I say the correct next word, the app fills it in. If I say the wrong word, it waits for me to say the correct next word.


More activities are attached below. I love this app!


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Yes, I've found myself in a place where I'm truly trying to put a timeline on God. I see all my needs, and don't see how it's possible if I don't find work. However, I've moved to a place, where I've asked for, and I know God is real, so I know he will do just what he says. Yes, love this, always turn to God -- in good and in bad.

I saw this gif and thought you might like it.

Honestly I’ve been struggling with Hebrews 11:1. I not engaging with it like out her scripture we’ve picked. I’ve been trying to push through and memorize it for the sake of the challenge.

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this particular scripture?
Honestly I’ve been struggling with Hebrews 11:1. I not engaging with it like out her scripture we’ve picked. I’ve been trying to push through and memorize it for the sake of the challenge.

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this particular scripture?

Bumping so that someone might reply. :smile:
Hi, ladies!

I'm just finishing up my morning reading. It included the scripture passage below. I hope everyone had a great weekend and that everyone has a great Monday!

From Philippians 3 (NLV)

12 I do not say that I have received this or have already become perfect. But I keep going on to make that life my own as Christ Jesus made me His own. 13 No, Christian brothers, I do not have that life yet. But I do one thing. I forget everything that is behind me and look forward to that which is ahead of me. 14 My eyes are on the crown. I want to win the race and get the crown of God’s call from heaven through Christ Jesus. 15 All of us who are full-grown Christians should think this way. If you do not think this way, God will show it to you. 16 So let us keep on obeying the same truth we have already been following.
Honestly I’ve been struggling with Hebrews 11:1. I not engaging with it like out her scripture we’ve picked. I’ve been trying to push through and memorize it for the sake of the challenge.

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this particular scripture?


Typically I read the KJV but I find that when I read other translations it helps to make the passage of scripture more clear, have you tried other translations?
I'll continue participating. I haven't seen a scripture here for a while, so I'm memorizing a long passage for myself right now.

I'll just keep watching this thread. :smile:
Honestly I’ve been struggling with Hebrews 11:1. I not engaging with it like out her scripture we’ve picked. I’ve been trying to push through and memorize it for the sake of the challenge.

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this particular scripture?

Hey, this is a late response, but first as someone suggested, you may want to look at a different translation. The KJV for this particular scripture is great. Secondly, be sure to read the entire chapter that the scripture is it so that you can place it in its proper context.

OK, so when I chose this scripture, I was focus on picking a scripture about FAITH. I was trying to strengthen my faith muscles so to speak. FAITH assures us of those things we hope for, and convinces us of things we have never seen. For me it is about trusting GOD even though my situration points to something different. It is about believing in all the things that GOD promised us, even though currently it is not so. When I was going through my job loss, of course I wanted a new job, but the scripture means so much more. It's about his promises. Promises that it was no need to fear or be anxious, that he would help me, that I'm the head not the tail, that if I belive in my heart so be it!!! Faith is the substance of things hope for!!! When we accept God, when we believe God promises are true then that's what we live by, that is the hope we live by, that is FAITH! AND that Faith in God assures us of the things we hope for. So because I believe in those promises, because I believe God's word is ture, then of course I not only get a new job, but it's going to be amazing, of course we are healed in Jesus name, absoutley the Lord is coming back -- FAITH assues us of these things! This scriputre I believe is walking by faith, believing his promises. So much of life is unknown. It's not about the simple wants of life, I desperatly needed a job, and of course I prayed earnestly for that, but I also believed God for peace of mind within the storm, I believed his promised that I would see the goodness of the Lord if I didn't faint. That peace is what I was seeking, his promises is what got me through! I hope this helps!
My minister shared one of the scriptures below yesterday, and it really blessed me. I thought I'd share.

It's from the NCV.

A Prayer for Protection

43 God, defend me.
Argue my case against those who don’t follow you.
Save me from liars and those who do evil.
2 God, you are my strength.
Why have you rejected me?
Why am I sad
and troubled by my enemies?
3 Send me your light and truth
to guide me.
Let them lead me to your holy mountain,
to where you live.
4 Then I will go to the altar of God,
to God who is my joy and happiness.

I will praise you with a harp,
God, my God.

5 Why am I so sad?
Why am I so upset?
I should put my hope in God
and keep praising him,
my Savior and my God.
@Sarabellam how is it coming?
Thanks for reaching out! I’ve been under the weather for almost a month now but still going in to work every day. There is a chance that I might have a PE and I’m in the hospital now for the work up. I’ve fallen off of memorizing and have been focusing on just receiving the word when I can.