Beyonce's Hair

Re: Beyonce\'s Hair


It looks like one of those kisses your parents make you give a smelly relative!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, for a minute I thought that was "Uncle Cleetus" or something, then I saw the shopping cart and black plastic bag!!!
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

I agree. I think blonde is a beautiful color, but hers just tend to look dry for some reason. Maybe she just needs another brand of extensions (or fire her mother as her stylist).
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

It looks like her hair color changed while she was little--from a dark brown to a color similar to that the she wears most of the time now. Does anyone see this or is it just me???
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

I do think that her hair is naturally dark brown, but I don't think that it would be anywhere near her current hair color without a little help from her hairdresser (her mom?). Either way, she's very pretty.
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if her mother was responsible for that.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, especially with her owning a hair salon...

I feel a little bit sorry for Solange, growing up in B's shadow...
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

I see the link now (funny, it suddenly appeared
). I guess I'm firewalled from it (I'm at work).

Can anyone copy the childhood pics into this post? It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

Daggonit I just realized why I couldn't see the pics! I don't have a flash player in my computer because they took everything away from me at my job!

Aaaaah, my job sux...guess I'll wait til I get home.
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

Thanks Sassygirl.

I saw them and I must say, she sure was cute as a kid. My favorite photos were the one that looks like a school pic where she has on a black & white sweater with her hair down and parted on the side, and the very last pic of her at 9 months old.
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

Wow! I am just now visting the board since I posted the link, I didn't think it would have this many posts!
Anyway I agree with all of you B's hair is beautiful and so are her childhood pictures, I can definately now imagine that her hair could be past shoulder length by now if it weren't for the bleach (assuming of course that it hasn't grown to that length).
Re: Beyonce\'s Hair

I can't believe that sometimes she doesn't think she's that pretty. What? I'm thinking to myself, "Okay Beyonce, if I could look 1/2 as good as you, that would be nice!" She has grown into a stunningly beautiful woman.