Beware of Christians


Well-Known Member
Your thoughts on this documentary (BEWARE OF CHRISTIANS) that seems to be gaining popularity?

The premise seems to be that organized Christianity, especially with its "rules" is inherently flawed and hinders people from truly following Jesus or "having a personal relationship with Christ." It seems to be in the spirit of "I hate religion but love Jesus," and even one of the phrases from the movie trailer states: "What if we left behind religion and followed Jesus?"

*Note, I haven't seen the documentary, so this is just my impression of it based on the trailer and an interview with the filmmaker.

Beware of Christians rubs me the wrong way for the following reasons:

  • It either ignores or rejects Divine Law (the Ten Commandments) in favor of subjective morality based on one's perceived "personal relationship with Christ." It appears to acknowledge no religious or moral authority outside of this construct.
  • It lends to the danger of one accepting "Christ without the Cross," or the "Hippie Jesus" because the person does not want to hear about sin, suffering, and Hell, nor does the person want to carry his cross and give up his sins.
  • It separates Christ from His Bride--the Church, and downplays the Church's importance and role in the Christian life.

What do you think?

I haven't watched the video yet (may watch it when I get home from work). But anyway, when I see the title "Beware of Christians", I see it to mean something different than what you have pointed out in the three bullet points in your original post.

I see it to mean simply to beware of "Christians" within organized "churches" that do not teach or practice the truth of the bible. Not all churches are of the Body of Christ. There are a lot of churches out there that are not teaching about Jesus Christ or what sin really is. A lot of churches are teaching and preaching their own agendas of what they think is right and true. A lot of churches are just trying to attract more people to their congregations either for more popularity and money.

Plus, as a church member, one can get so caught up into the ministries and activities of the church and not really have a true relationship with Jesus Christ or keep the commandments of God in one's heart. There's several church-goers out there that may teach and preach about Jesus but do not know Him for themselves. They may teach against certain sins or common sins that they may not do, but feel like some sins are somewhat okay or that their own wilful sin is alright as long as they are believers, pray for forgiveness each time, go to church, and give their tithes.

I think that's what the premise of this "Beware of Christians" documentary is all about.
Poohbear that may very well be what the movie's about (I haven't seen it for myself) :yep:

I guess sometimes it raises a red flag with me because some people go to the extreme and end up concluding that they don't need the church or Christian fellowship, and "I can worship God at home."

Knowing and loving Christ, and committing one's self to Him through cultivating a prayer life and placing Him first is essential to being a Christian--but Christ also gave us a Church for a reason, and in our individualistic Western culture, we tend to forget the importance and benefits of the community.
I don't like the title

I know... right?

But that's okay. Keep 'Loving' ... Love is who we are and what we are each moment trying to press towards the mark of loving even more.

When I lose my way, I think of Jesus and look at your name and be reminded, 'LoveisYou '.... :yep:
I know... right?

But that's okay. Keep 'Loving' ... Love is who we are and what we are each moment trying to press towards the mark of loving even more.

When I lose my way, I think of Jesus and look at your name and be reminded, 'LoveisYou '.... :yep:

Thanks ;), it's funny when I chose my name I wasn't walking with the Lord, but He had a greater plan, I don't believe in coincidences....
Thanks ;), it's funny when I chose my name I wasn't walking with the Lord, but He had a greater plan, I don't believe in coincidences....

Before the foundations of the earth... He knew our names. He looked at you and said, my daughter, Love is You... :yep::yep::yep: