Best ways to nourish a thinning hairline?


New Member
I would like to know what you ladies would recommend to help my thinning hairline. It's particularly noticeable for me on my right side.

Thanks in advance!


P.S. I am happy to report that the thin hair in the crown area has begun to fill in and grow longer. This has occured since I changed stylists in October 2003. YEAH!!!
Allandra had suggested to someone before to use B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) to thicken the hair. Maybe this would work for your situation
i keep hearing about this product called surge. it sounds like it's helped a lot of people. do a search on it and see what comes out!
good luck!
I use essential and carrier oils like jojoba, peppermint, castor, avocado and cedarwood those helped my hairline.
I also do massages every night before I go to bed sometimes with these oils and without.
my combinations of surge and nioxin has been working for my right side, which was thinning...Nothing else had seemed to work up until now.
I use a mixture of 2oz. aloe vera gel (2tbps) and 10 drops of rosemary essential oils. Rub a little on your sides morning and night. You can see my growth album to see how well it has worked.

Also, sleep in a satin scarf or bonnet and/or on a satin pillowcase.
Thanks a lot, ladies.

DelightfulFlame, I like your suggestion re: aloe vera gel and rosemary essential oils. I like to keep things natural whenever possible.
