Best way to wear hair giving birth?

Baby Girl

New Member
Ok, so i was told that you could not wear wigs in the delivery room. Is this true? So I was thinking about getting a sew in.

What are the best styles to wear your hair besides braids or kinky twist.
I had mine in high bun. I've never heard that you can't wear a wig but ok. I couldn't imagine trying to adjusting my wig while giving birth. :nono: I would go with a bun, braids, or a sew in.
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I had a sew-in both times. Nobody checked me for a wig or anything so I dont think they care, but if u r anything like me, u r not gonna want anything to touch u during labor. Everything annoyed me, the oxygen mask, the lights, the television, the hospital gown, my husbands voice....... so I can see u ripping that thing off after a few contractions.

Whatever u decide, Good luck mama!
I don't see why wearing a wig would be an issue but I would rather get a sew in. While it labor, you don't want to worry about your wig shifting or looking crazy. You definetly want something low maintence for labor and for the first few weeks after having your baby, which a sew in allows.
When your in labor, the only priority is getting that baby out & healthy. Nobody at the hospital will be wig checking you. :lol: That being said, Idk that a wig would be my option. I went into labor 3 weeks before expected, so I was caught with a wash & go. :( The next go round I hope to be in braids.
Is your hair long? What about Pocahontas braids? Just two long braids, one on each side. You want something that's not going to have you looking a mess or being uncomfortable later. Something flat so you can lay your head down on both sides and in the back. And not have hair all in your face and mouth. I've never been pregnant, but I suppose you would want maximum comfortability and ease. Nothing that requires a bunch of work or products
When your in labor, the only priority is getting that baby out & healthy. Nobody at the hospital will be wig checking you. :lol: That being said, Idk that a wig would be my option. I went into labor 3 weeks before expected, so I was caught with a wash & go. :( The next go round I hope to be in braids.

This happened to me as well...I was transitioning and decided to wear wigs for my labor and first few months postpartum. Well my son arrived 5 weeks early...I was 10 months post relaxer and hadn't ordered a wig yet, so my hair looked a HAM and I had to wear a scarf :perplexed. Next time I hope to have my own hair in maybe a bun or at least have a wig/sew in as a backup plan.
My plans was to wear a ponytail but I ended up wearing a bonnet over my mess of a head!!!!

I recommend something very low maintenance like a pony tail, a bun or a sew in.
Ditto on birth being unexpected. I planned to get my hair braided but had to be induced 5 weeks early AND ON MY BIRTHDAY. I ended up smoothing my hair into a top knot. Also didn't plan on Miss Olivia being at her baby shower ( insert eyeroll here) lol
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i can't imagine layin in bed on my side or whateva position, in labor, rockin a wig. chile...every time a contraction would hit, i would have snatched dat thing off my head and throw it across da room.

and when they get u in position to give u an epidural, u have to keep still. can you imagine sitting up straight with your head on your nurse's shoulder while they give u an edipural and ur wig slides off?

if u know like i know, u betta put dat stuff in a bun and callit a day. u don't need dem nurses goin back to their stations laughin their azzez off tawkin bout some, did she give birth to a boy or a wig? chile.....
i can't imagine layin in bed on my side or whateva position, in labor, rockin a wig. chile...every time a contraction would hit, i would have snatched dat thing off my head and throw it across da room.

and when they get u in position to give u an epidural, u have to keep still. can you imagine sitting up straight with your head on your nurse's shoulder while they give u an edipural and ur wig slides off?

if u know like i know, u betta put dat stuff in a bun and callit a day. u don't need dem nurses goin back to their stations laughin their azzez off tawkin bout some, did she give birth to a boy or a wig? chile.....

this visual has me :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I had a sew in. And I wore a bandana.

And I was glad I did.....cus labor is a hot mess...... Nuff said.

Congrats on the baby:)
for my first I had a bun, I wasn't expecting labor, I don't know why I was 38 and a half weeks pregnant LOL but it was fine, I must've really had it slicked with gel that day cause it didn't move. (Pre LHCF days)

for my second I had cornrows which I just so happened to get done the day I went into labor (my water broke in the middle of the night) my cornrows were basic with a little side part in front so they wouldn't be going all back: a la Queen Latifa in Set It Off

The cornrows were the best because I didn't have the bun getting in the way when I was laying down and I could thrust my head back and forth while I withered in pain with my cornrows with no probs!
i can't imagine layin in bed on my side or whateva position, in labor, rockin a wig. chile...every time a contraction would hit, i would have snatched dat thing off my head and throw it across da room.

and when they get u in position to give u an epidural, u have to keep still. can you imagine sitting up straight with your head on your nurse's shoulder while they give u an edipural and ur wig slides off?

if u know like i know, u betta put dat stuff in a bun and callit a day. u don't need dem nurses goin back to their stations laughin their azzez off tawkin bout some, did she give birth to a boy or a wig? chile.....

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Too funny!
I wore my hair in braids the first time and a bun the second. I would say a wig isn't a good idea but I've never heard that you CAN'T. But you are going to want to do something that you will be comfortable in because unless you're planning on getting a epidural you're going to want to destroy anything that bothers you during a contraction-your husband, nurses and, yes, even your hair if it's in the way! :lol:
Warning: DS just viewed the picture of me after his birth and had the nerves to ask..."what's up with your hair....didn't they have combs in the hospital?" I really wanted a time machine so I could go back to past and abort his butt. He really made me feel bad.
I wore my hair in two french braids. Having said that, when those contractions start coming, you won't care what your hair looks like or who sees what. The only thing of concern will be getting that kid out of there.
I am getting crochet braids not so much for delivery but so I dont have to worry about after delivery. I will be finishing up my BSN and I cant be going to school looking crazy:O
With my daughter I had a relaxer and my hair down, since she came a little early I wasn't prepared and just kept it down the entire time I was in the hospital, it was fine... Now that in transitioning I might cowash and air dry and pull up into some kind of messy bun
With my first daughter I had my natural hair flat ironed and wrapped in a scarf. My second, I had a twist out. My third, I had my hair in twists. This time my hair will either be in Senegalese twists or box braids. I highly regret the 2nd and 3rd because after the birth I didn't feel like doing my hair and it was a tangled mess. I'm gonna be ready this time though lol.
First time I wore braids, the second time I wore a sew in. I think that braids worked out better for me because after the baby was born I didn't have to worry about combing and styling my hair.
I had a scheduled c-section. I flat-ironed my hair over the weekend before the Monday delivery. That worked out great for me, and I kept it straight for 2+ weeks after I came home (it's not like I left the house). I was all about great pictures.
I have worked labor and delivery in a major obstetrical center. We did not have a wig ban. Nor a weave ban. Nor a braid ban. We went to the delivery or operating room with whatever hair style the woman had. We just put one of those blue paper bonnets on top. Have a wonderful delivery and relax!!
Hi Sis!! I want to say that when a lady gets an epidural there has been no problem with a wig. We might ask someone to remove a bra, but there are no hair problems. You can be as beautiful as you want. I had a patient one time doing a feet and leg beauty treatment in the early stage of labor. I thought" See, all that beautiful is what got you here!! Congratulations!!!:drunk: