A little discouraged...

Lauren, I've rarely worn wigs, weaves or hair pieces as a natural. When I did wear them, it was to break the boredom as my hair grew out, but I got bored with them quickly. Now, my usual style is a "wash and go." I rarely wear protective styles, and my hair is currently at BSL.
Lauren please don't be discouraged. I have never worn a wig or a weave and since my natural journey began (actually my whole life) I have only worn added hair 3 times I think it all comes down to preference and since I've never wanted to add hair I haven't. If you click on my album and go to the about me page and look under the friends list you will see lot's of beautiful natural heads that wear their own hair majority of the time. Also my sister and I both wear our own hair 99.9% of the time. I hope this helps in some way :grin:
I have a confession. I've been reading several natural threads, and I'm feeling a little discouraged. There was one thread about "How do you wear your hair everyday", and several people stated that they wear wigs or weaves. Others wear braids every day. It seemed like only a minority actually wear their hair out all the time(in various styles).

I guess I'm wondering if it's going to be harder than I thought. Don't get me wrong, I'm not changing my mind at all about going natural, but I just feel like maybe I have the wrong idea about natural hair.

Is there anyone who wears their hair out all the time? As a relaxed head, I never wore protective styles and I don't want to change that as a natural. I have nothing against wigs/weave/braids, but I don't want to wear those either.

So, am I crazy in thinking that I should be able to wear my hair out (whether it be straightened, a puff, twists, braid/twistouts, WNG's) all the time as a natural and still see growth?

Don't be discouraged natural hair is a journey. I've been natural most of my life, with the exception of about 18 months relaxed time. I mostly wore it down, and curled or straight years ago. Now I'm wearing it up in buns or a braided bun, or baggied bun covered with a bun cover. I also use hair sticks and other hair safe accessories. It's my personal preference not to wear wigs, weaves, extensions and the like, so I've never worn them.

I tend to be very style challenged, and hair lazy so wearing it up is easier for me. I wear it down for special occasions. Length is an issue, and I have a goal of getting to waist length as quickly as I can. That goal greatly contributes to me wearing my hair up most of the time. I think I will start to wear it down more often starting in 2009, if I'm blessed to still be around. :)

I've mentioned this before. When my 100 yr old grandmother passed away in 2005, she had long almost classic length braids. For sentimental reasons, I want to grow my hair to TBL and keep it there for the rest of my life, so I'm spending the next couple of years growing and retaining as much as possible.
I always wear my hair out. I don't do weaves, wigs, or phony ponies. They're not a good look for me. :nono: I'm able to wear my hair in way more various styles than when I was relaxed.