Best Way to REFRESH a Braid-out??


Well-Known Member
I'm on the braid-out challenge, and it's most definitely my fave transitioning style, I think it's HOT!

I can usually make the style last about 3 *maybe* 4 days, then I wash and start over. However, by the 3rd or 4th day it's lost quite a bit of definition and I often times end up wearing it in a pseudo-puff.

Is there a way to refresh this style?? Right now all I do is tye a scarf around it at night (loosely). If it helps, I create my braid-out with five cornrows on freshly washed hair.

Thanks bunches!!
I usually rebraid every night using NTM Silk Touch (sylver2's method) and jojoba oil & tie my hair up. HTH
Before sleeping, some of the ladies pin up their braidouts on the top of their heads, placing a satin bonnet loosely over it. Some make a ponytail high on top of their heads and also place a bonnet over it, loosely.

I've tried these techniques and my sides get really flattened, maybe I'm not doing it right? :look:

I usually rebraid at night and my braidouts always look very nice, wavy and fresh. I also wash 2 x each week, which helps also.
This is a good question! I'm transitioning also and although I'd like to roller set as much as I used to, I never have the time, so I just stick with my braid-outs. They're always pretty, but after the 3rd or 4th day it just gets poofy and starts feeling and looking dry. I don't really have the patience to redo them every night, plus I don't really want to comb my hair too much. If I'm really lazy, I'll just pull everything into a bun or clip.

Maybe you/we can try re-braiding them every other night?

Anyone else have suggestions?
I sleep too wild for my braidouts to even last longer than one day so I usually only wear them when I am about to go to the salon or get my hair re-braided. The other problem is I don't know how to braid, so it's not like I can re-braid myself. I cain't believe I'm 24 years old, and still don't know how to braid. Somebody needs to teach me cuz this is making me feel juss pitiful.
i think my full head baggie it what really saves my curls. im natural so i dont know if that will make a difference but i dampen with my spray of -water, con and oil. i wear a full head baggie every night- i wash in braids evey 2days and the longest i leave it is 5days.

if i dont have my mix near by (like last night) i jus wet my hands a couple of times to dampen my hair and then add castor oil. this sometime works better than my mix lol- it just depends on the style i want.

i never rebraid between washes- i just braid with conditioner in it to wash it. i wear usually wear a puff or just add a couple of hair clips in.

hope that helps!
I never tried to refresh my braid-outs. I preferred to recycle them in the form of a casual updo, half updo, or all pulled back. That would enable me to get a good week out of one braid-out which is perfect because I would be ready to shampoo by then.
balisi said:
I never tried to refresh my braid-outs. I preferred to recycle them in the form of a casual updo, half updo, or all pulled back. That would enable me to get a good week out of one braid-out which is perfect because I would be ready to shampoo by then.
This is a very good idea. I've recycled my braidouts in the form of a wavy ponytail. I could do more recycling. :yep:
I like to rebraid every other day, and I also wash 2 x a week. I also like to just do 8 or nine loose braids w/perm rods on the ends.hth
I rebraid once.
To refresh it, I add ntm silk touch and pick out some of the hair strands/coils, fluff up, rub on some ntm serum and go
sometimes I only rebraid the first two braids, that makes hair look fresh as well
sylver2 said:
I rebraid once.
To refresh it, I add ntm silk touch and pick out some of the hair strands/coils, fluff up, rub on some ntm serum and go
sometimes I only rebraid the first two braids, that makes hair look fresh as well
When you say the first two braids, do you mean the ones closer to the front that fall down the front and sides or do you mean the first two braids you make? Do you let the hair that has not been rebraided just hang overnight with the two braids (and your scarf)?
Isis said:
When you say the first two braids, do you mean the ones closer to the front that fall down the front and sides or do you mean the first two braids you make? Do you let the hair that has not been rebraided just hang overnight with the two braids (and your scarf)?

The very first two, one on each side close to my face.
Yup..I braid just those two and let the back hang overnight.
sylver2 said:
The very first two, one on each side close to my face.
Yup..I braid just those two and let the back hang overnight.
Thank you! That's what I thought but just making sure. This sounds like a very good idea! :up: