Best way for naturals to achieve hair-slick-back styles?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
My hair is finally long enough that I can pull my hair back into a ponytail or bun. The only problem is that my hair is super frizzy when I try to so so! I spritz with my regular water-based leave-in and then use Giovanni leave-in (a creamy water-based) and then used two golf-ball sized amounts of EcoStyler. Slept on it with a silk stocking and STILL have a fuzzy head :( Maybe if I put on the silk scarf while it's still wet - would that make the difference? What if I tried Shea butter or a heavier moisturizer? Either way a sister needs help!!
What is your hair type? I'm a type 4 and the less gel I use the better. I hop out the shower, apply a water based leave in, slap some oil on top and smooth it down with a boar bristle brush. I only use ecostyler on the edges because it'll just frizz back up. Stays smooth all day!
I usually add my leave in, add Eco styler and put a scarf while wet. Before I take the scarf off i blow dry my head to make sure it's all dry. Mine will stay smooth and nice all week. I add oil on top during the week to keep my hair from getting hard and tie down nightly.
For me, as long as I put the scarf on while the hair is still wet it comes out sleek with a nice wave pattern. Another benefit of this that I would like to add is that it allows you to not have to pull your hair so tight in the ponytail bun, protecting your edges.

Now for me also this works even if the hair does not dry completely. Like for example, if I decide in the morning that I don't want to wear my hair out (I do use gel in this instance), I will wet the hair, mix gel and water in my hand and slick down the area, then put a scarf on and get ready. As long as I've had the scarf on for 15 minutes the hair will stay sleek. I will usually re-wet the hair the next day and put the scarf back on to reactivate the gel. The oil suggestion sounds good to me as well.
I'm not natural, but I'm a stretcher/transitioner. I have about 2 or 3 inches of ng. The only way I can lay it down is fresh out the shower. After I wash it I towel dry and add my leavins. While style wet I add my gel and brush my hair lightly back. I tie it down wet. I don't take off the scarf until it is dry.
These are great suggestions ladies - thanks!!

ETA: So this morning I used a different cream-based moisturizer (Alikay Naturals) and tied down my hair for about 20 minutes. The result is a much smoother look. Thanks again ladies!!!
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