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Bee Pollen or Bee Pollen w/Royal Jelly
Can be found at vitamin world for like $12 for 250 pills

Im Researching it and so far it replaced my

Protein supplement- Has 30-40grams per pill so 3 pills a day is all i need to get 120 grams of protein
multivitamin/multimineral supplement-Has ALL the vitamins and minerals!
Hair & Nail supplement ( Future biotics is what i was taking, 3 a day)
Fiber supplement
Flaxseed Pill
Saw palmetto ( balances hormones, allieves cramps...)
Antioxidant ( Mine was L-glutathione)

It also has 22 amino acids, Very high in the B's (b2,3,biotin...) all exept b12, it has it but its low, it has the silica and all that and a WHOLE lot of other stuff that i cant remeber
ThinNnappy said:
Bee Pollen or Bee Pollen w/Royal Jelly
Can be found at vitamin world for like $12 for 250 pills

Im Researching it and so far it replaced my

Protein supplement- Has 30-40grams per pill so 3 pills a day is all i need to get 120 grams of protein
multivitamin/multimineral supplement-Has ALL the vitamins and minerals!
Hair & Nail supplement ( Future biotics is what i was taking, 3 a day)
Fiber supplement
Flaxseed Pill
Saw palmetto ( balances hormones, allieves cramps...)
Antioxidant ( Mine was L-glutathione)

It also has 22 amino acids, Very high in the B's (b2,3,biotin...) all exept b12, it has it but its low, it has the silica and all that and a WHOLE lot of other stuff that i cant remeber

wow, this sounds great! It replaced Is it this one:

tia also has sulfur, Research Studies prove effective for helping w/women who cant have kids, prostate, menopause, headaches, sex drive, mood, heart, cancer,weight maintenence......
Girl keep us up to dated on this. I saw it a couple of times on QVC and it is suppose to be for everything. What people talked about the most was and increase in energy.
Girl keep us up to dated on this. I saw it a couple of times on QVC and it is suppose to be for everything. What people talked about the most was an increase in energy.
ThinNnappy said:
Yeah, it has (5, 15, 25, 50) one of those % more than a steack of protein
Where on the label does it state it has that much protein? I'm trying to look into this if it can replace my powdered shakes.
ThinNnappy said:
Bee Pollen or Bee Pollen w/Royal Jelly
Can be found at vitamin world for like $12 for 250 pills

Im Researching it and so far it replaced my

Protein supplement- Has 30-40grams per pill so 3 pills a day is all i need to get 120 grams of protein
multivitamin/multimineral supplement-Has ALL the vitamins and minerals!
Hair & Nail supplement ( Future biotics is what i was taking, 3 a day)
Fiber supplement
Flaxseed Pill
Saw palmetto ( balances hormones, allieves cramps...)
Antioxidant ( Mine was L-glutathione)

It also has 22 amino acids, Very high in the B's (b2,3,biotin...) all exept b12, it has it but its low, it has the silica and all that and a WHOLE lot of other stuff that i cant remeber

Interesting...Thanks for sharing! :)
wow, that sounds great. My only concern is that if one eats a high protein diet, it would be overkill on the protein which isnt healthy.
Thanks for the info. :up:
I heard and read good things about bee pollen besides the protein content. I haven't tried it yet though.
Thanks for the info.

I was going to restart my vitamin regime, by taking my millions of pills a day.

I have jst done a little research myself and it all seems great!!!!!! :Flahsssss
I am off to buy me a bottle, give it a few months and see how I get on, the ingrediant list is impressive. I have the most growth when I uped my protein content
ThinNnappy said:
Bee Pollen or Bee Pollen w/Royal Jelly
Can be found at vitamin world for like $12 for 250 pills

Im Researching it and so far it replaced my

Protein supplement- Has 30-40grams per pill so 3 pills a day is all i need to get 120 grams of protein
multivitamin/multimineral supplement-Has ALL the vitamins and minerals!
Hair & Nail supplement ( Future biotics is what i was taking, 3 a day)
Fiber supplement
Flaxseed Pill
Saw palmetto ( balances hormones, allieves cramps...)
Antioxidant ( Mine was L-glutathione)

It also has 22 amino acids, Very high in the B's (b2,3,biotin...) all exept b12, it has it but its low, it has the silica and all that and a WHOLE lot of other stuff that i cant remeber

Could you please site where you read some of your research because I don't see all of this on the label.
CzyFaith ~ I found this information for you. It doesn't tell how many grams of protein but it says that it has 40% of protein. It is pretty long so here goes...

Bee Pollen Benefits

Bee pollen is sometimes called 'the perfect food'. Bee pollen benefits stem from the fact that it contains more than 96 different nutrients, including every single nutrient that is needed to sustain human life. It is made up of 40% protein, nearly all of it usable by the body without any further breakdown or metabolism

The health benefits of bee pollen have been known for thousands of years. It was a mainstay of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, a discipline that is gaining a great deal of respect among western doctors recently.

Bee pollen combines 22 amino acids, vitamin C, B-complex and folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, and carotene - all of the major antioxidants that have so far been discovered.

In addition, bee pollen benefits your body with a number of vital trace elements that it can't manufacture, but needs in order to stay healthy. Those trace elements include iron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium - all minerals that have proven health benefits.

The Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen
It's been suggested - and accepted by most doctors and nutritionists - that 35 grams of bee pollen daily contains all the nutrients needed by the human body to sustain life. Because bee pollen contains EVERY KNOWN NUTRIENT that your body needs, it's a highly recommended health supplement to "fill in the cracks" when your diet sometimes falls short of ideal. In fact, bee pollen supplements are often used to bolster nutrition in famine-stricken areas.

Besides the obvious, though, there are specific health benefits of bee pollen.

Bee pollen benefits your immune system. Bee pollen contains proteins, mono and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins B, C, D, E, and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, selenium, nucleic acids, lecithin, and cysteine, all of which have been proven effective in strengthening the immune system.

Bee pollen helps build resistance to allergies. Because bee pollen contains traces of the substances that can trigger allergic hay fever, some allergists prescribe it to help lower sensitivity to local plant pollens.

Bee pollen helps you to cope more easily with stress. Because it has a full complement of amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins that help regulate mood, taking bee pollen supplements can help you control the stress in your life.

Athletes have used bee pollen for centuries to help them increase their energy and endurance. While studies have yet to bear this out, it makes logical sense that the long-term effects of using a bee pollen supplement are extremely beneficial to athletes. Considering the full spectrum of nutrients that bee pollen provides, it only makes sense that long-term bee pollen supplements would help athletes - who deplete their bodies of necessary nutrients on a regular basis.

Bee pollen should be avoided by those that have an allergy or sensitivity to bee venom. Other than a worsening of allergic symptoms in those who are already allergic, there are few bee pollen side effects.

Because of the incredible potential of bee pollen and the very low risk of side effects, we recommend supplementing your diet with a daily bee pollen supplement. There's one small problem with that - bee pollen consists largely of indigestible "husks". In order to get enough of bee pollen benefits , you'd have to eat enormous amounts of it. Only about 5% of the total volume is bioavailable to your body.

One exception to this rule is Natural Energy with NZ Bee Pollen, a product made by Xtend-Life Natural Products. Xtend-Life uses a patented process to prepare the bee pollen, and make an incredible 95% of its nutrients available to the human body.
As the evidence of bee pollen benefits mounts, we suggest a daily bee pollen supplement in addition to a standard multivitamin to help keep your body healthy and in top shape.
nelli711 said:
CzyFaith ~ I found this information for you. It doesn't tell how many grams of protein but it says that it has 40% of protein. It is pretty long so here goes...

Bee Pollen Benefits

Bee pollen is sometimes called 'the perfect food'. Bee pollen benefits stem from the fact that it contains more than 96 different nutrients, including every single nutrient that is needed to sustain human life. It is made up of 40% protein, nearly all of it usable by the body without any further breakdown or metabolism

The health benefits of bee pollen have been known for thousands of years. It was a mainstay of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, a discipline that is gaining a great deal of respect among western doctors recently.

Bee pollen combines 22 amino acids, vitamin C, B-complex and folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, and carotene - all of the major antioxidants that have so far been discovered.

In addition, bee pollen benefits your body with a number of vital trace elements that it can't manufacture, but needs in order to stay healthy. Those trace elements include iron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium - all minerals that have proven health benefits.

The Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen
It's been suggested - and accepted by most doctors and nutritionists - that 35 grams of bee pollen daily contains all the nutrients needed by the human body to sustain life. Because bee pollen contains EVERY KNOWN NUTRIENT that your body needs, it's a highly recommended health supplement to "fill in the cracks" when your diet sometimes falls short of ideal. In fact, bee pollen supplements are often used to bolster nutrition in famine-stricken areas.

Besides the obvious, though, there are specific health benefits of bee pollen.

Bee pollen benefits your immune system. Bee pollen contains proteins, mono and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins B, C, D, E, and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, selenium, nucleic acids, lecithin, and cysteine, all of which have been proven effective in strengthening the immune system.

Bee pollen helps build resistance to allergies. Because bee pollen contains traces of the substances that can trigger allergic hay fever, some allergists prescribe it to help lower sensitivity to local plant pollens.

Bee pollen helps you to cope more easily with stress. Because it has a full complement of amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins that help regulate mood, taking bee pollen supplements can help you control the stress in your life.

Athletes have used bee pollen for centuries to help them increase their energy and endurance. While studies have yet to bear this out, it makes logical sense that the long-term effects of using a bee pollen supplement are extremely beneficial to athletes. Considering the full spectrum of nutrients that bee pollen provides, it only makes sense that long-term bee pollen supplements would help athletes - who deplete their bodies of necessary nutrients on a regular basis.

Bee pollen should be avoided by those that have an allergy or sensitivity to bee venom. Other than a worsening of allergic symptoms in those who are already allergic, there are few bee pollen side effects.

Because of the incredible potential of bee pollen and the very low risk of side effects, we recommend supplementing your diet with a daily bee pollen supplement. There's one small problem with that - bee pollen consists largely of indigestible "husks". In order to get enough of bee pollen benefits , you'd have to eat enormous amounts of it. Only about 5% of the total volume is bioavailable to your body.

One exception to this rule is Natural Energy with NZ Bee Pollen, a product made by Xtend-Life Natural Products. Xtend-Life uses a patented process to prepare the bee pollen, and make an incredible 95% of its nutrients available to the human body.
As the evidence of bee pollen benefits mounts, we suggest a daily bee pollen supplement in addition to a standard multivitamin to help keep your body healthy and in top shape.

Thank you!
Sorry it took so long to answer about the protein;)
Bee pollen doesnt list anything on the label-most of the time it just says bee pollen-I did alot of research on alot of different sites because i was looking for a protein pill, found out they didnt have any, and the closest form anywhere was bee pollen. On all the sites i went to it said like 35% protein or how much % more than it has then other popular high protein foods. I found ONE website that actually said how many grams it has rather than precentage, i wrote it down on my schedule thingy for my food and thats it...i will try to find the specific web page again.

-Im not concerned about 2 much protein, becuse i dont eat meat and hardley get any protein anyway, but i didnt know that too much protein was unhealty
Adrian said:
Girl keep us up to dated on this. I saw it a couple of times on QVC and it is suppose to be for everything. What people talked about the most was and increase in energy.

What was on QVC wasn't bee pollen it was just the Royal Jelly...
ThinNnappy said:
-Im not concerned about 2 much protein, becuse i dont eat meat and hardley get any protein anyway, but i didnt know that too much protein was unhealty

me neither..
My computer's being weird and I can't read the label for the vitamins, can some kind person type out the percentages please?
I heard about the many benefits of bee pollen, but no where could I find any information that indicates that it has such a high amount of protein (35-40 grams) in the tablets/capsule form. Since protein has such a high surface area, I don't believe that much protein would be condensed into those little pills - in most cases you can only find it in a powder form. Has anyone been able to find information that proves otherwise?