Best Recipe for an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm still hangin’ in there pressing and curling my natural hair and I've noticed that I'm using a lot of products to keep this 4b hair bone straight. I'm thinking about "cleansing" my hair with a good apple cider vinegar rinse this weekend.

Could someone recommend a good recipe so that I can make my apple cider vinegar rinse from scratch? I would like to add natural/organic herbs and oils that will promote hair strength, hair growth, and shine. Thanks everyone!

my hair rinse is 4 cups of distilled water infused with around 1 tbsp each sage, rosemary, jasmine, marshmallow root, burdock root, nettle, hibiscus petals, and around 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

you can add just a little bit of honey in there for shine

a few drops of lavender essential oil would be good also
my hair rinse is 4 cups of distilled water infused with around 1 tbsp each sage, rosemary, jasmine, marshmallow root, burdock root, nettle, hibiscus petals, and around 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

you can add just a little bit of honey in there for shine

a few drops of lavender essential oil would be good also

Wow, that sounds yummy:lick: for the hair! Do you do this rinse everytime you wash?
my hair rinse is 4 cups of distilled water infused with around 1 tbsp each sage, rosemary, jasmine, marshmallow root, burdock root, nettle, hibiscus petals, and around 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

you can add just a little bit of honey in there for shine

a few drops of lavender essential oil would be good also

Where do I go to buy rosemary, jasmine, marshmellow root, etc.? Are all these herbs in a liquid form or do I have to grind them up in a food processor and make a paste first?
Where do I go to buy rosemary, jasmine, marshmellow root, etc.? Are all these herbs in a liquid form or do I have to grind them up in a food processor and make a paste first?

the herbs are in powder, whole leaf, or cut & sift form. i buy my herbs from or i bought some big empty tea bags that i put the herbs in, then seal the bag with a hot iron. that makes it easier to stain. then i just heat the water, throw the bag in, & let it infuse, usually overnight. then i strain & add the acv & honey
the herbs are in powder, whole leaf, or cut & sift form. i buy my herbs from or i bought some big empty tea bags that i put the herbs in, then seal the bag with a hot iron. that makes it easier to stain. then i just heat the water, throw the bag in, & let it infuse, usually overnight. then i strain & add the acv & honey

What a great idea!! I will def try your method. Where do you get empty tea bags? I can use them also for making amla oil.