Best quote/advise/wisdom received on relationships

My grandfather's advice :"Why be with a man who can't even buy you a hot dog?" :lachen:(I was a dumb teenager in love)

My grandmother's advice: "There is no reason to get all depressed about a man because when you die he will be looking just like that,(she had pointed to my grandfather at the time who just happened to be laughing about something on tv):nono:

This made me laugh out loud! I'm still chuckling, but I guess its true! :lachen:

You can't let it get that good to you. -- Friend of the family

I do not believe in staying with that Reason or Season when I know my Lifetime is still out there waiting for me. -- ElizaBlue (not sure if it's her quote but I read it from her thread)

Love this!
I'm trying to recall something else Bishop Jakes said, it can also be found in proverbs about women ask me do they love them when the question should be do they trust them.

Proverbs 31:11 "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil"
there will always be a person who loves the other more. What makes these relationships work is the other person must be appreciative and not take advantage of that love.

At church I heard:

Thou shall take no other Gods before me also refers to people idolizing their mates. Remember to keep God first and remember that we are all human, capable of faults and errors. Dont worship your mate no matter how good they are.

Big Boom on Steve harvey:

If you want closure in your relationships, start with your legs.

I really like this one hun, I sometimes find myself falling into that very easily. God maybe actually chastising me for that right now. One I also hear frequently that is related to this "is to have a guy that loves God more than he loves you."