Best products/techniques for "Wash and Go" style.....


New Member
For those of you ladies (natural and relaxed), what products/techniques do you use that insure a curly not frizzy wash and go style. I am talking about where all the curls are defined (doesn't matter whether tight or loose, long as it's not frizzy), hair is soft and not cruncy, and has body.

Any secrets to get that get look? Can you detail the process? I am thinking of doing a wash and go, but know that I would def. have to do it on a weekend. I am relaxed and my hair is past shoulder length, so it would take nearly all day to air dry. When my hair starts to dry, it doesn't even look like I have a perm, my naturally curly texture comes out, but not the way I want it. My hair has air dried on it own "by mistake" (if I am taking too long to rollerset it), but it is frizzy and that's not the intention.......

I have seen some great looking naturals on here that do the wash and go so I know you ladies have the process down packed.

;) Can someone hook a sister up???
I don't have any "secrets" :lol:

My best wash & goes are the simply, quick, gotta hurry & go to work routines :lol:

Haven't done it (this way since summer), but I'll

1) CW with Tresemme (I would use Elucence now)
2) Make about 4 big twists (while hair is still soaked with conditioner)
3) Pin up twists while I bathe
4) Undo twists
5) Rinse about 75% of conditioner out (on a low pressure water stream so the curls are not disturbed)
6) give a good shake for curls to separate

OH, I'll also add oil to my conditioner (Hot six oil)
Peachtree said:
I don't have any "secrets" :lol:

My best wash & goes are the simply, quick, gotta hurry & go to work routines :lol:

Haven't done it (this way since summer), but I'll

1) CW with Tresemme (I would use Elucence now)
2) Make about 4 big twists (while hair is still soaked with conditioner)
3) Pin up twists while I bathe
4) Undo twists
5) Rinse about 75% of conditioner out (on a low pressure water stream so the curls are not disturbed)
6) give a good shake for curls to separate

OH, I'll also add oil to my conditioner (Hot six oil)

oooohhh! your hair is pretty! this seems easy enough. may have to try it. Do you mist with water or some type of leave in conditioner every day?
blackbarbie said:
oooohhh! your hair is pretty! this seems easy enough. may have to try it. Do you mist with water or some type of leave in conditioner every day?

Yeah both... ONLY if my hair seems a bit dry mid day. Since switching from VO5/White Rain/Suave conditioners to Tresemme for the CWs, I haven't need to mist mid day at all!! (those condish just didn't give my shake & go's enough moisture mid day)

If I do the wash & go in the morning, my hair stays nice & moist all day long... so I don't mist it.

If I do the wash & go at night... in the morning, I'll mist with either water or a leave in (to revive the curls), shake (to separate), then go about my day.

OH yeah, thanks for the compliment :rosebud: