Best No-Lye Relaxer


New Member
Hey everyone, I am currently trying to stretch unitl march-aprilish and I want to get my hair professionally done. I currently use hawaiian silky no lye, and I want to stick with no-lye, cause I am scared of causing breakage from switching, what relaxer should I request when I go to the shop.
it is working, I just thought that it was not a professional relaxer. It is working great for me. I was just wondering what the list of professional realxers was?
I've heard that Silk2 No lye relaxer system is really good. I'm hoping to be able to find a stylist that carries it here in the ATL. I'm hoping Balisi (a member here) will have it soon, since I would prefer that she does my next touch up.
Im actually quite enamored with Profectiv No Lye Relaxers..

If I ever do another No Lye I will use that :)
KhandiB said:
Im actually quite enamored with Profectiv No Lye Relaxers..

If I ever do another No Lye I will use that :)

I've thought about Profectiv. I normally use ORS (which I really like), but my last touch up I wentto a Dominican Salon. The only no-lye they had was Affirm Sensitive Scalp and I don't really care for it. My next touch may be in a few weeks so I'm trying to decide what to you use.

Has anyone here tried both the ORS and Profectiv, if so which one did you like best?
divinefavor said:
Has anyone here tried both the ORS and Profectiv, if so which one did you like best?

I have tried both. Both are pretty good. I prefer the Profectiv though. When I was using no-lye Pink was my favorite though. It always got the job done:grin:

I have since switched to lye though.
goldensensation said:
I love it!

I put a profectiv in my hair last weekend and I dont want to jumpt to conclusions but my hair is the softest its ever been,

See it might be my new hair dryer :lol:
But it feels soooooo soft..even when Im washing it.. and Im only using Suave to wash right now...

I guess it cant be the blow dryer then :lol:
FlyyGyrl said:
I have tried both. Both are pretty good. I prefer the Profectiv though. When I was using no-lye Pink was my favorite though. It always got the job done:grin:

I have since switched to lye though.

Thanks you!
KhandiB said:
I put a profectiv in my hair last weekend and I dont want to jumpt to conclusions but my hair is the softest its ever been,

See it might be my new hair dryer :lol:
But it feels soooooo soft..even when Im washing it.. and Im only using Suave to wash right now...

I guess it cant be the blow dryer then :lol:

Thank you!
thanks ladies. I would be looking into the ORS one, cause I use their other products, and love them, where can I buy this relaxer or is it strictly a professional one?
maryj1584 said:
thanks ladies. I would be looking into the ORS one, cause I use their other products, and love them, where can I buy this relaxer or is it strictly a professional one?

The ORS is a relaxer kit in a box. You should be able to get it at in BSS. Also, Walmart, CVS, Walgreen's and the like also sell them.
KhandiB said:
I put a profectiv in my hair last weekend and I dont want to jumpt to conclusions but my hair is the softest its ever been,

See it might be my new hair dryer :lol:
But it feels soooooo soft..even when Im washing it.. and Im only using Suave to wash right now...

I guess it cant be the blow dryer then :lol:

Girl your hair is beautiful!!! All you use in Suave for shampooing, wow?!?!?!