Best method to detangle and decrease hair loss......


New Member
I have been co-washing this past week and I really hate to see the hair in the comb as I am detangling to pull back in a bun. I know I am going to get some hair, but it just seems like an awful lot. When I do roller sets, I detangle a section at a time as I am rolling and everything is fine, but as I trying to do a bun while co-washing, this is a little difficult to try to detangle section by section since I am ultimately trying to pull all the hair back. It is already combed back from the shower and when I get out, I put my products on and start to detangle. I did notice that as I was almost done detangling, I slathered a ton of product on and it was a little easier. What has worked for you when trying to detangle hair to pull back into a bun?
I like to wash/condition/detangle my hair in 6 sections (3 on each side of my head). Ain't no way any comb or brush is going thru my hair without being sectioned first.
blackbarbie said:
What has worked for you when trying to detangle hair to pull back into a bun?
I always have a part (on the side or in the middle). This allows me to detangle/comb my hair 'down' and then gently gather it in the back to place in a bun. If I didn't wear a part and I tried to comb all of my wet hair 'back', it would be difficult (and it would probably be way too much pulling on my hair - causing more pulling out of my hair).
You may want to get a shower comb and try to detangle in the shower. Also, when you condition wash, try to keep your hair as straight as possible. Don't wad it up on the top of your head and scrunch, but try to just run the conditioner through without mussing it too much. If these don't work, your conditioner may not have enough slip in it to detangle your hair. you may need to find a new conditioner to use for your daily washes.
caligirl said:
I like to wash/condition/detangle my hair in 6 sections (3 on each side of my head). Ain't no way any comb or brush is going thru my hair without being sectioned first.

This is what I do :yep: Except I use 4 ponytailed sections. I do everything this way.

Start with the sections in the back, detangle, moisturize, then pull back into a ponytail, do this with each section until you have one ponytail/bun.
Try to do most of the detangling in the shower using shampoos and conditioners with good slip - it REALLY helps.. I avoid putting parts in my hair at all when I detangle for a bun. Because it doesn't do much good for me personally, to detangle all my hair in sections - and then I still have to manipulate it more to get the parts out and smooth it back...

I spray on a detangling leave-in (add a shine serum if you need extra slip), then gently "coax" all my hair to the middle as I detangle w/ my fingers. Then once I have it all there, I go over once with my shower comb. Then I take a baby brush to smooth edges so I can have a more sleek look after I take off my satin scarf.
I make sure my hair is going all back before I even get in the shower. While in the shower I cw with all my hair still going back. I detangle in the shower under the water before getting out. When I go to make my bun there is no need to pull the comb all the way through cause my hair is already going in that direction. I just detangle the ends and pin it up.

I do the same thing if I'm wearing a part. I make the part before I get in the shower, cw with the hair in the direction of the part. Detangle under the stream of water with the part. Smooth down the hairline with my hands, detangle just the ends or length of the ponytail and pin up.
I've always had an issue with detangling because I was exclusively using Mizani products which doesn't provide much slip and isn't as detangling. I started experimenting and I'd say your biggest bet is to purchase a poo that says 'detangling' and has conditioning properties. Such as CON or keracare. I've never used the EQP poo but a few ladies says it's good and detangles well. And follow-up with a good moisturizing conditioner. Once i used CON poo on my 12 week post hair and i detangled with ease when i rinsed my hair out and did not even have to apply conditioner. So it's all about using the right products. I have dry hair so drug store brands do not do a darn thing for my hair...its all about using the right salon quality products that my hair agrees with. Also u need a big comb such as a jilbere or a K-cutter. I use the kcutter when i detangle. I comb all the hair back and then only the top layer of my hair i will gently detangle with a small toothed comb to give it a sleek appearance.
Thanks ladies for the responses. A lot of the advice you gave is what I already do and after reading the suggestions I am now beginning to wonder if its because I am further and further into my relaxer (about 11 weeks). I have it all combed to the back when I get in the shower and I have a detangleing comb in the shower and I usually don't have a problem detangling it while I'm under the running water. In fact while I am inthe shower, it's completely detanlged and I don't lose any hair. It's just once I get out and blot it with the towel then it's all over. Maybe I am drying too much of the water out of my hair? Probably need to make sure I have enough product on it even before I begin to attempt to comb.