Best Hair Tutorial EVERRRR

I KNEW I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDNT START DOING THEIR OWN HAIR TIL MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! my friends try to make me think i'm crazy, i swear

any whoo, i loved this video, thanks op.

i loved how she associated "nappy" with needing to wash her hair and not as a "texture" or hair type lol i smiled the whole video lol

I didn't start doing my own until middle school either!

She's too adorable
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I put it in a ponytail so the hair can go natural!!! sometimes it gets nappy so I just wash it...LOL LMAO :rofl:
Absolutely adorable! Since im transitioning I'm going to take her advice and put my hair in a ponytail so it can be natural. :yep: Lol
lol In my 2 yrs of lurking on LHCF plus this year as an official member, I have to say that this is my favorite post. She so cute!!!! >.<

What an angel. I hope her mom lets her continue to moderate her own vids. I'd love to see her 5 more years from now.

The funny thing is that this 5 year old's ponytail has now been added to my list of natural style goals.... and um... I'm 37!