Best Friend just Big Chopped....(VENT)


New Member
...and everyone is hating on her so bad. I have known her for some months now, and this girl is such a wonderful person. She gives sooooo much of herself to the people in her life, and they just walk all over her.

But anyway, when I first met her, she had shoulder length hair. She has been cutting it shorter and shorter over the past few months. She recently went to the doctor and he told her she has severe eczeme(sp?). when I met her, I was natural, and she admired my hair. Now that she has this skin condition, she said she doesn't want to relax her hair anymore cause it irritates her scalp. So she went against her family and fiance' and big chopped.

This girl has gorgeous curly hair. And I admire her so much cause even I wasn't brave enough to big chop. She came to me when she cut her hair and I loved it on her. She said her SO made her cry with what he said and how he looked at her. He asked her if she did it cause I had a natural. I wanted to tell him where he could go, but I didn't cause I don't want to start any drama.

One of her SO's ex "friend with benefits" told her she was going to have to get her a wig for her wedding:eek:!!! I am so like, the nerve of these jealous people.

I told my friend that when her hair grows out into those long gorgeous curls, everyone will be hating for real, and her man will love it better than the relaxed hair that he so wanted her to keep.

Has anyone ever dealt with this? How did you support your friend, family, or whatever the case may be?

I transitioned with my SO and he was into the long relaxed hair, but I had his support totally and he loves my curls. I don't want to say or do anything to make my friend feel worse, cause I have been hated on, too, but I tell people where to go before I let them hurt me. She isn't that strong.
Just keep telling her that she is beautiful and that you are proud of her. She is probably stronger than you think, afterall she did find the nerve to bc. Hopefully in time she will learn to speak up for herself. I'm mad at her SO for making her cry, I could kick his butt for that.

ETA: Does she come to this site or napturallity? Seeing other natural fotki albums may give her inspiration.
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hopeful said:
Just keep telling her that she is beautiful and that you are proud of her. She is probably stronger than you think, afterall she did find the nerve to bc. Hopefully in time she will learn to speak up for herself. I'm mad at her SO for making her cry, I could kick his butt for that.

ETA: Do she come to this site or napturallity? Seeing other natural fotki albums may give her inspiration.

You are right. I think my hardest thing is dealing with her SO being such an arse about it. I have to really keep my mouth shut about him. She told him she was going to do it before she did it and he wanted her to keep her relaxed ends.

She doesn't come on this site, but I am going to tell her about it. I am so used to this being my little secret, I didn't really think about telling her about it:p but I will share!!! I think it will really help her alot.
Oh my, poor thing. I think what you're already doing is great. Remind her that her hair and scalp will thank her for her choice. And her fiance? Well, I don't have enough time to write what I think about him! ;)
klassykutie said:
One of her SO's ex "friend with benefits" told her she was going to have to get her a wig for her wedding:eek:!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stop the presses...His WHO? It's problems in this situation that go deeper than her hair.
Thats really sad that you're the only one supporting her :(

I agree on getting her to sign up to a hair forum (here, Nappturality or NaturallyCurly.... or all of them) for some more support and inspiration.
JCoily said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stop the presses...His WHO? It's problems in this situation that go deeper than her hair.

YES! As time passes her hair will grow and be more beautiful than ever... But IMO the SO's ex "friend with benefits" is a problem that will grow into a whole 'notha kind mess...

You just keep on being her friend and encouraging her. Show her some of the lovey pics and the simply amazing progress some of the ladies here have made. New hair is always fun. Go shopping for the new products she will need for her fabulous fro!
This is so sad, I'm sure she is beautiful with her big chop. If only more people had the strength, I really admire her and her courage. She ultimately has to do what is best for her.

ETA: when is the wedding by the way?..She may have some really lush progress by the time it comes around :grin:
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if hair is a big issue now with the SO than she might want to seriously think about why she wants to marry him. But best of luck to her.
:( That's sad. I'm sure she looks wonderful,a nd imagine how her scalp and and skin is going to thank her. It hard because youg et all types of men. Some will see the sacrifice and what it says about her as a person taht she would be willing to do that, and others that having hundreds of years of stereotypes, and ideas, that make it impossible to see past a short curl cut. But like everyone else said once she grows taht out, they're all gonna be whistling a different tune. I wish her the best though:)
Am I reading this right? He is getting some on the side by someone who has the nerve to say she is going to buy the future wife a wig? Please say it ain't so.
kally said:
Am I reading this right? He is getting some on the side by someone who has the nerve to say she is going to buy the future wife a wig? Please say it ain't so.

I think it's his ex FB.
JCoily said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stop the presses...His WHO? It's problems in this situation that go deeper than her hair.
Yeah... why is he still in contact with this person and why does he give a **** what she says?
RainbowCurls said:
I think it's his ex FB.
ella said:
Yeah... why is he still in contact with this person and why does he give a **** what she says?

I can't imagine being cool enough with the chick who 'used to' have a sexual relationship with my fiance telling ME about MY hair. Why is this chick in their lives?

If she accepts her natural hair then the the other people in her life will have not choice but to accept it too. They don't have to like it, but she needs to start putting people in check about how they come at her.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend,but just keep encouraging her and she'll be find. My SO grandmother referred to my bantu knots as "***** knots":mad: I also received negative comments about how short my hair was and I didn't even bc. Now all the people who had something negative to say are asking me for hair tips:lol: :lol: :grin:
I'm sorry I but what does (SO) mean? I'm mad @ how they're treating your friend but I can't get through the story b/c IU keep wondering what (SO)means.
I'm sorry I but what does (SO) mean? I'm mad @ how they're treating your friend but I can't get through the story b/c IU keep wondering what (SO)means.
I'm sorry I but what does (SO) mean? I'm mad @ how they're treating your friend but I can't get through the story b/c IU keep wondering what (SO)means.
LuvLiLocks said:
This is so sad, I'm sure she is beautiful with her big chop. If only more people had the strength, I really admire her and her courage. She ultimately has to do what is best for her.

ETA: when is the wedding by the way?..She may have some really lush progress by the time it comes around :grin:

I know, RIGHT!!! Her wedding is may 19th. She will have a BEAUTIFUL TWA!!!
JCoily said:
I can't imagine being cool enough with the chick who 'used to' have a sexual relationship with my fiance telling ME about MY hair. Why is this chick in their lives?

If she accepts her natural hair then the the other people in her life will have not choice but to accept it too. They don't have to like it, but she needs to start putting people in check about how they come at her.

You are right, J. My frame of thought is different strokes for different folks....
I keep my mouth shut soooooo tightly.....and I just don't know what to say except for set boundaries. He wouldn't want a dude around she has fooled with before. I just don't get it but this girl and her fiance' are friends for real, like talk on the phone and go out to eat!!! But then there is the issue of her fiance'. WHY would you want a chick around that you have banged before, around your FAMILY??? I don't get it, but I guess it is not for me to get.

Ya'll about to make me start a whole other thread on this cat.:lol:

I personally think my friend can do better. But I support her regardless.

I even told MY fiance' about this, and he was like WTF???
Not that I agree with his opinion but in his defense the big chop is a drastic change. When I first did it, there were people around me (especially an S.O) that voiced their sometimes unpleasant opinions but I don't think it was out of hate but rather just the change. Change takes a while to get used to. Now when I think about relaxing my hair everyone is like NO!However some people just don't know if they don't have anything positive to say to shut their mouths ( ie..SO's ex. Why do they even talk? Why makes her think that she has the right to talk? Your friend should/needs to put her in her place) I love the man I am with because of who he is but I do have preferences as to what I am attracted to. If my fabolously cut man decided that he wanted to put on a few pounds (not that a couple of extra pounds is unattractive) I would probably say I preferred him cut up--- until I got used to it. The not quite S.O mentioned earlier, we were just starting out so him not liking the change in combination with other issues caused us to end. But if we were a stronger couple, we would have worked through it. We stayed friends and he has seen all the changes my hair has gone through since and he loves it now. He even jokes that I should warn my man if I get the desire to "reboot" again. So the best thing is to continue to support her and to expose her to lhcf cause that is where I got the strength to push through on the days where I was like "I don't believe i did this" . Also, I got a lot of inspiration though the hair albums. She'll be fine and so will he unless he's a complete jerk all around and then that has nothing to do w/ her hair!
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