Best Drain Unclogger (Hair Buildup)...


New Member
I think my bath tub is clogged from washing my hair in it? :cool:Can anyone recommend anything that I can put in there that will break down the hair and clear the drain. It's the drain in my tub. Thank so much in advance.
anky posted this tool type thing that alot of people say works... Zip It? or something like that. There's a thread somewhere here, and it sounds pretty good.

Sadly, Drano does not get it for me. I bought two bottles and poured them back to back down the drain . . . and then bought the foam Drano stuff a week later and it still was clogged. That stuff literally bubbled back out at me.:lachen: I must have a chinchilla in my drain or something.:eek: What did help was actually the off brand Walgreens drain cleaner. It put Drano and Liquid Plumber to SHAME with just one half a bottle.

eta: here's her thread
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Sistaslick said:
anky posted this tool type thing that alot of people say works... Zip It? or something like that. There's a thread somewhere here, and it sounds pretty good.

Sadly, Drano does not get it for me. I bought two bottles and poured them back to back down the drain . . . and then bought the foam Drano stuff a week later and it still was clogged. That stuff literally bubbled back out at me.:lachen: I must have a chinchilla in my drain or something.:eek: What did help was actually the off brand Walgreens drain cleaner. It put Drano and Liquid Plumber to SHAME with just one half a bottle.

eta: here's her thread

Thank you Sista, thank you thank you! I just shivered at the thought of the price of draino. I will def. get the Walgreens drain cleaner. And I am about tot check out that thread.

TSU, I just put some relaxer in the tub. I feel like this is gonna be a bust cause it's just sitting there floating on the top. My poor silk elements relaxer.:lol: Can't believe I may have potentially wasted her. I will update you ladies in the morning.
Okay I just saw the Zipit (which I will be getting tomorrow as well) and it scared me! All that nasty hair, I am such a punk too.:lol:
:lol: I'm sorry. The only thing I know that actually works is Drano, but I added the relaxer part in there because it contains the same active ingredient as Drano. The calcium (or sodium) hydroxide in both products work well in breaking down the hair. I've never used the relaxer in a drain before, but I suggested it because I thought you probably had some extra on hand, and it could work if you took a bit of it and mixed up in some water to make it more watery, then poor it down the drain. I didn't mean to advise you to waste your relaxer. I sowwy *hugs*
MizaniMami said:
Okay I just saw the Zipit (which I will be getting tomorrow as well) and it scared me! All that nasty hair, I am such a punk too.:lol:

I remember anky posting on this put I coudln't find it at my walgreens. (Zipit) I tried Liquid Plumber and Drano and neither were that great. I always ended up doing it 2x to get it to work.

I saw some (dont know the name but they only carried one brand.) for $1.00 at Dollar Tree and said what the heck....It got my drain clean on the first use. I have also used the Kroger Brand and it worked. I am always unclogging something it seems.
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Yeah the dollar tree brand does work, and I need to find that zip it thing, it seems like since I can only wash in the shower now my shower drain gets clogged quickly but when I only washed in the sink I didn't have this problem.
Does anyone know what the Zip it looks like?

Just to note for others that may not know the strength of Sodium Hydroxide in relaxer is no where near powerful as whats in that drano or all of that relax would be bald, no matter how strong our strands my be.
I use a hair catcher everytime I shampoo/condition my hair. That way, I don't have to worry about trying to unclog my drain later. It looks like a little white hat with holes in it.

beyondcute said:
DANG! Yall losing that much hair? Just kidding :lol: Try some nair. If you know its hair, Nair will eat it all up.

That what i was thinking "Am I sheddding THAT much":lol:

It's Ohtay TSU Princess. Imma get the Walgreens brand draino and the zipit today!

I'll update you ladies.
I just use Mr Plumber or annoying :/ When I lived at home, my parents wanted to KILL ME!!!
The best drain opener that I have tried and can definately say it works is called "PEQUA" from Home Depot. This stuff works!

Try it!
I know my plumber told me to empty a bottle of clorox down the drain every month to cut the grease. Not sure about hair though but Allandra's suggestion was great.
chica_canella said:
I know my plumber told me to empty a bottle of clorox down the drain every month to cut the grease. Not sure about hair though but Allandra's suggestion was great.
I purchased a few of these for family members that kept getting clogged drains. They haven't had a clogged drain since. They were only a dollar and some change a piece. I have no intentions of clogging up my drains with shedded hair. :nono: They do a great job.
Allandra said:
I purchased a few of these for family members that kept getting clogged drains. They haven't had a clogged drain since. They were only a dollar and some change a piece. I have no intentions of clogging up my drains with shedded hair. :nono: They do a great job.

I agree, one dollar is better than $150 to unplug a drain. I think I'll go get some this week.

Thanks for the tip.:)
Here's a picture of the one that I have:


Here's a link to the website:
Sistaslick said:
Hey Allandra, do you know if they have one of these that would work on a drain with the knob thingy in the middle? You know the little knob thing that you can twist up and down to open and close the drain? Or does this one work too?
I'm guessing it depends on how high the knob thingy is. I believe the 'hat' part of the hair catch may stand less than 1" tall. Maybe you could remove the knob thingy when you need to shampoo/condition your hair and replace it afterwards. Just a thought.
true, true--- its worth a shot. 1 buck is better is $4-5 bucks every 1-2 months. Plus that chemical smell . . .:perplexed

I don't know what is up with our drain. It was working so well at first.:ohwell: I know our family can't be losing that much hair! At least I hope not.:lol: I think we have a deeeeeeep deep stubborn clog and that it might be that we never really fully get rid of that main clog when we flush out the drain. Its like we keep cleaning and treating the surface only for it to build up on us again :lol:

I'm thinking we may have to go the professional route to fix the main problem and then work with the hair catcher thing from there or something.:ohwell:
Sistaslick said:
true, true--- its worth a shot. 1 buck is better is $4-5 bucks every 1-2 months. Plus that chemical smell . . .:perplexed

I don't know what is up with our drain. It was working so well at first.:ohwell: I know our family can't be losing that much hair! At least I hope not.:lol: I think we have a deeeeeeep deep stubborn clog and that it might be that we never really fully get rid of that main clog when we flush out the drain. Its like we keep cleaning and treating the surface only for it to build up on us again :lol:

I'm thinking we may have to go the professional route to fix the main problem and then work with the hair catcher thing from there or something.:ohwell:

I was having the same problem and then a professional plumber told me to go to Home Depot and get PEQUA, pour it down the drain. Let it sit for a couple of hours and then let hot water go down the drain. That stubborn almost non-moving clog left and never came back. Try it. Can't hurt.
Allandra said:
Here's a picture of the one that I have:


Here's a link to the website:

My mom bought that thing. I hated it!!! Two thumbs down! All my hair would clog the holes in that thing and then the water would start inching up to my ankles. So gross. When I lived at home I would take that thing out, shower, then put it back before i left the bathroom to fool my mom:lol: I felt as though she should just pay someone to unclog the drain when it clogs. Now that I have my own place, I may need to purchase one myself:) or just take my mom's. There's another kind we had that was metal and sat inside of the drain. It wasn't as noticeable as this one and works the same.
shiningstar84 said:
My mom bought that thing. I hated it!!! Two thumbs down! All my hair would clog the holes in that thing and then the water would start inching up to my ankles. So gross. When I lived at home I would take that thing out, shower, then put it back before i left the bathroom to fool my mom:lol: I felt as though she should just pay someone to unclog the drain when it clogs. Now that I have my own place, I may need to purchase one myself:) or just take my mom's. There's another kind we had that was metal and sat inside of the drain. It wasn't as noticeable as this one and works the same.
Of course the hair is going to clog the holes. The idea of the thing is to not let the hair go down the drain. Too bad you hated it. Oh well. It does what it's suppose to do. When the hair get around it enough to interfere with the water going out of the tub/shower, one would have to stoop down and remove the hair. I understand that might be too much for some to do.