Best approach to this possible long distance relationship


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I've been dating this guy for about 3 months who was in the Military and stationed in my hometown..He told me when we first met that he was going to be released in September and returning back home to Atlanta...After he told me that I was totally turned off and told him I didnt see the point in spending too much time together because he is leaving and where is the future in that....Long story short he spent 5 hours on the phone with me trying to convince me that I shouldnt write him off because of that and I should stay open to see what can become of us....Moving forward....We continued spending time together and enjoyed one another immensely but I always told him that I had no interest in a long distance relationship.One night we were talking because I noticed I didnt hear from him that much on that particular week. When I called to see what was up,he basically said he was tired of hearing me say that there could not be a future with us because of the distance and he felt that he didnt want to let his feelings go and then get hurt....After a nice heartfelt talk,we continued to move forward.

Wouldnt you know that by the time he was getting ready to leave,I had changed my mind because I had developed feelings for him. We had "the talk" about the long distance thing and I revealed to him that I had changed my mind about a long distance relationship. He asked me why did I wait until the day before he is leaving to tell him that and I told him that I didnt know I would feel this way for him. Anyway there wasnt a commitment but we agreed that we would definitely keep in touch and see where/if things go anywhere.He has always said that if God showed him that I was the one that he would do what he had to do (sell his house in Atlanta) to be where I am.

My question is,he left last week and I know he has ALOT to do to get re-acclimated to being back home. My thing is that I dont want to be the first to call him...I feel like he left and before he left I told him what I was open to. If he is interested then he'll call me and follow through. Am I wrong for feeling that way? Does it matter who calls whom first?

Also if I didnt call him first and waited to see if he'd call me,how long is too long to wait? Ofcourse I would be getting on with my life regardless but I've never been in this type of situation before and would like my beautiful sisters to chime in on some advice :)

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If he was into you and/or you were "The One", he would have called you as soon as he got to ATL or at least within 24 hours of his arrival.

I don't recommend calling him but if you choose to, guard your heart. A man proves his worth through his actions not his words.
I hear you speak the truth and I have thought of that also but listening to the advice of friends who wear their heart on their sleeve has made me feel "maybe" this or "maybe" that..but deep down I know the real deal :)

I dont think it would hurt to call or send a text just saying "hey". If he doesnt respond, then you have your answer.

not against you, but I hate thoughts like this. Maybe because I've been down that road myself.

Seriously if we are putting too much thought an effort into behaviours then it's not normal or flowing the way it should and that should tell us something.

It's not working, it just isn't there....

Girl you will meet someone else. Don't sit around waiting for him to get his stuff together and call you. LD relationships are hard enough without having to second guess everything...
not against you, but I hate thoughts like this. Maybe because I've been down that road myself.

Seriously if we are putting too much thought an effort into behaviours then it's not normal or flowing the way it should and that should tell us something.

It's not working, it just isn't there....

Girl you will meet someone else. Don't sit around waiting for him to get his stuff together and call you. LD relationships are hard enough without having to second guess everything...

I feel you...I hate being "that girl" with these kinds of empty thoughts. I just got off the phone with my girlfiend telling her that if I have to wonder about when he'll call or if he'll call then he is not being front and center...if I have to try to fill in the gaps then he is not showing me enough where those questions dont need to be asked....I get it :) I think being hopeful causes some women to ask ourselves these questions...Not desperate...but hopeful.

I definitely will not be calling him...for sure!!

If he hasn't called, he's not that interested. Next. I wouldn't even entertain him from now on if I were you. You don't need your feelings wrapped up in him anymore than they already are.
I appreciate you ladies so much! thanks for everything....I am moving on!!! and when/if he calls I am NOT available :)