Benefits of strecthing time btwn perms?


New Member
Can someone please explain to me. Well when I was pregnant i stopped perming in my 8th month. That was Nov and I didnt perm it until Feb. But my hair was much stronger then. And I wore my hair in 2 Cily(Color Purple) braids. I was tending to my new born.

Any other time I ahve tried to do that or even recently I have hair loss from the 2 different textures.....and man does it nott up.

Does this process with waiting longer btwn perms help hair growth speed?
Hey Brownbrown
Stretching does not speed up growth it's just a method used in an attempt to prevent overlapping which can cause severe damage and/or breakage.

brownbrown said:
Can someone please explain to me. Well when I was pregnant i stopped perming in my 8th month. That was Nov and I didnt perm it until Feb. But my hair was much stronger then. And I wore my hair in 2 Cily(Color Purple) braids. I was tending to my new born.

Any other time I ahve tried to do that or even recently I have hair loss from the 2 different textures.....and man does it nott up.

Does this process with waiting longer btwn perms help hair growth speed?
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There are so many benefits from stretching your relaxers. 1 is lesser frequency of relaxer on your hair 2. stronger hair overall 3. scalp is not being subjected to harsh chemicals so often. If you do a seacrh there are so many other benefits and your hair will literally thank you.hth
There are tons of information about stretching relaxers if you do a will also give you techniques on maintaining your hair while doing so. I will also say my hair is longer than its ever been, since I can remember, as the result froming stretching among other things.hth
brownbrown said:
Thank You
Okay I know that I dont over lap. I wait at least 2 to 3 weeks.

Thanks again
God Bless
Hey brownbrown, for the health of your hair I really hope you didn't mean you are waiting only 2-3 weeks between relaxers?! I think on average relaxed ladies on the board try to wait 6-8 weeks at the minimum.
Great post! I'm thinking about strecthing. Brownbrown relaxing every 2-3 wks is way too soon. You're not giving your new growth a chance to come through before your back in the chair getting the next chemical service. The normal is 6-8 wks to avoid over processing.

I stretch just to reduce the chemicals in my hair, 12 weeks is generally my limit. You have to use extreme care beyong the 8 wks mark otherwise you will experience breakage and the results will not be worth it. Your hair will grow regardless at the same rate with or without stretching as they are unrelated.