Being attacked from all sides...need prayers


Well-Known Member

I need prayer it seems that dh and I are being attacked from every side health, finances, family, ministry you name it. I am trying to stay strong but I am getting weary, please lift us up in prayer.
mrsjones1 said:

I need prayer it seems that dh and I are being attacked from every side health, finances, family, ministry you name it. I am trying to stay strong but I am getting weary, please lift us up in prayer.
I am so sorry to hear this. :( I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
I will keep you in in my prayers. I know what you mean. I'm going through some trying times right now. God bless you.
GOD has said in his word that his righteous seed will never be forsaken nor will his seed be caught begging bread. Be encouraged. I'll keep you in my prayers
:crazy: Add me to the list also... I'm being attacked also, my car, finances, school, friends. Yours prayers are appreciated. I keep u ladies in my prayers....