Before I buy these two oils... please explain


New Member
I am about to buy the Dabur Vatika Coconut Hair Oil and Dabur Amla Hair Oil 300ml from Amazon. Can you please tell me the following:
1. Are these two products good?
2. How do you use them?

I am 4a/4b SL looking to make my hair healthy and long. Please advise before I make this purchase.

I have also purchased ORS Mayo, can I put these oils in there as a prepoo?

I use both in a prepoo oil mix. Vatika is very versatile. It can be used in prepoos, DCs, oil rinses, instant condish, for sealing moisturizers, scalp oil, too name a few.
I use alma and vatika oil religiously. Alma oil I use for O/N pre-poos and it makes my hair very soft and manageable (I got this idea from Sistaslick) and sometimes I use it in a pre-poo conditioner mix for added slip. I also use vatika oil in my pre-poo's, my CO-wash mixtures, for oil rinses (I used to use EVOO but it was just too heavy), for daily sealing. I like Vatika the best of the two b/c I can literally use it in anything. It's like coconut oil only better b.c it is enriched and I love the smell. :rolleyes:
Oh my goodness, this is great news! I thought I wasted my money. I just came back from town and I bought the Vatika oil on a whim from the nearby Indian grocer for $1.99 for 5.07oz. I went in intending to by Amla oil and some of the powders that everyone has been talking about. I am looking for something to darken my hair without dye. I have used the Amla in the past and I just don't like the smell. I found the Shikakai and Amla powders for $2.49 per box. These prices seem too good to be true for retail. Are these products really that good? Oh well, I guess I will find out. I didn't get the Amla but I spotted the Dabur Vatika and I couldn't resist the price or ingredients! I am home now and I have pierced the top to find that I am loving the scent also. :)
I think the Dabur brand has mineral oil in it. You can get pure amla oil from There are also too ladies who sell indian oils and products online : Candy C and I forget the other ladies name but her products are called Gro Aut