Before finding LHCF how long was your stretch?

I was getting a relaxer every 5 weeks!:eek: I immediately switched to 12 weks stretches and it made a huge difference.
Mine was actually pretty long because before I learned about LHCF, I wore box braids constantly and I would leave them in for 3-4 months at a time.
10 months was my usual stretch. I was on a weird schedule because I would relax in April and then again in June (if I had a lot of ng) but I wouldn't relax from June until April again. Been on this schedule since I was little. As of this year the only difference I made was cutting out the July relaxer and only relaxing once a year. I always hated relaxing my hair and when I didn't my hair would be a lot thicker and have the volume that I liked to have with my rollersets. I would always wear my hair down and would blow out it or flat iron from about 1996-2003. In 2003 I mastered the rollerset and didn't have a blowdryer or flatiron so I would just rollerset it and then wrap it tight to take out the waves. I always wore a lot of wash n go's cuz my hair was texlaxed about 30-40% and I loved curly hair.