Before & After Views of Water on Hair

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I thought washing too often was bad. Everyone around me still look at me funny for washing so often. But they saw I made progress...Now they are copying me.. WHICH I DON'T MIND.
I also thought that washing my hair too often was bad for my hair, I would wash it every two-three weeks. Since now that I have been rinsing my hair on a daily basis, conditioner, water, glycerine and rosewater. My hair has thrived, the growth has been tremendous, I would shampoo my hair every 10 days or two weeks, but I must rinse my hair daily. It is a lot easier to comb.
I must admit that my hair did better when I did wash more than once a week.
I used to wash 2-3 times a week. But since being married with children, I am good if I can do once a week. I never really thought about it much-it may also be the type of water as well. Where I lived before being married the water was soft, where I live now it is hard. I thought that had more of an affect than the more or less water issue. :confused:
My mother used to tell me all the time that washing my hair too much would "strip my relaxer out." After I explained the way a relaxer works (and how water and shampoo/conditioner could not revert the hair that was chemically straightened) she proceeded to say, "you know you can over condition" when I started CO washing. What can I do? :whyme: Keep doing what I am doing to my hair despite comments from her and others, because whatever I'm doing shole ain't harming a darn thing.
Yep, before I found this board I would go for weeks without washing my hair but would continue to use the curling iron. I had major damage. Now I'm like a crack head, if I'm not washing my hair I'm thinking about washing it. I cannot EVEN get it the shower without reaching for the shampoo or conditioner. I know I should only be doing conditioner washes but for some reason, if I don't put a little shampoo on it, I feel like I haven't had my fix. It's pretty bad. Now granted my hair hasn't suffered and it's grown, but I am thinking about switching to Phyto, thanks to DSD.
I used to think that it was okay to give up washing in order to maintain a style especially if money was tight.

But I did not think that water was bad for black hair.
I really dont think that water is bad for your hari. I just like keeping my style longer. I currently wast once a week, but plan to increase 2 or 3x per week.
Water is sooo goood for my hair. Whenever I wet my hands I rub the rest in my hair just to keep it soft. I loves it!
Before I started to do my own research I believe that water on my hair was just a "no,no". My mom used to tell me, and still does, "girl you gone wash all the natural oils right out of your head, you ain't no white girl"!
Thank god for lhcf:D
Great thread! :up:

I want to elaborate on my previous post. No one in my family really talked about water and hair when I was growing up, except to say stay out of the rain when my hair was pressed.:lol:

When I shared that I once washed my hair every day for a while, it wasn't for hair care. I washed, conditioned (with Suave), blow-dried and hot combed my hair every day and it seemed to grow longer, faster! People noticed and I received compliments on my hair growth and length although it was thin, wispy and see-through from frying it everyday.

My hair was about 2 inches or so below my shoulders (which people considered "long") when I stopped the daily washing and went back to doing it every week or every two weeks. I didn't even associate the daily washing with hair growth. I didn't know anything back then about haircare or retaining length so my hair continued to go through the usual cycle of breaking off, some growth then breaking off again.

Since LHCF, I've been washing and conditioning every 3 days using no heat which has been working well for me.
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When I sported the bone straight relaxer w/ high heat blowout water was definitely bad; it meant more heat. Now that I'm texturized I actually use water to restyle my hair each day and my hair the healthiest I've seen it in years.
Someone put it in perspective for me - your hair and scalp goes everywhere your face goes so imagine if you only washed your face every 3 weeks. Not a vey attractive thought.

Due to the nature of getting press-n-curls and relaxers, we were trained to run from water. But since going natural I noticed I felt FREE and the main reason for that is I didn't have to worry about getting my hair wet when it rained, while swimming or taking a shower. It was all good.

I love when water hits my scalp and hair. My husband thinks I am looney for wetting my hair daily especially in the winter time. BUT I learned for my hair it likes to be free daily!

It hates buns, clips, braids and now, even twists! It just wants to be free and in order to be free - I must wet it daily.

Gotta love the water and don't just put it on your body - make sure you put it in your body as well.
When I was relaxed, I used to wash my hair every 2 weeks. My stylist encouraged this because she said my perm would revert more quickly. My hair didn't grow- seemed it kept the same length. I BCD and started daily washing, my hair grew faster. If I hadn't let myself be sidetracked last year, I probably would be shoulder length by now with shrinkage.:lol:
CurleeDST said:
Gotta love the water and don't just put it on your body - make sure you put it in your body as well.

So true. :yep: When I drink my water as I'm supposed to, my hair grows like a weed and is so much more moisturized.
Good topic. WHen I was elaxed I though water was bad for my hair becaseu it opened my hair up and always mad eit frizz. For me that was bad. I didnt want frizz! When I colored I still felt water was bad for my hair, more frizz adn frizz of dyed hair looked dry. My hair looked awful when air dryed. Now as I transition I dont have any problems with water. Water and I get alogn just fine. My hair actually looks better with a lil water in it.
I never thought water was bad for my hair in its natural or relaxed state. I had a pool and swam daily. My hair never broke off after washing it out daily to get the Chlorine out... in a matter of fact since I was sooo busy trying to protect my hair from the chlorine my hair was in better shape than when i was washing once every week.
I'm guilty of thinking water was bad for my hair. I'm from the desert of southwest Texas, so we had no humidity and the littlest bit of rain frizzed up my hair.

The water here in central New York is rough, I'm miles away from a BSS or beauty shop, and the winter heat (inside!!) was drying out my hair. I was actually afraid to wash my dry, tangled mane and was "this close" to cutting off my hair when I found LHCF. Since I've started washing my hair twice a week, doing cond washes, not using the hair dryer and washing/detangling my hair in the shower, my hair looks and feels the healthiest it's been in years. I've even managed to stretch my relaxer, and it's growing!!! Thanks, ladies, for all the advice and support. :grin:
I CO wash everyday! It helps me avoid the use of heat. I have been doing this for about three years. It has helped the health of my hair tremendously.

I was never really sure about water being good or bad, but mostly avoided washing my hair frequently because of all the little strands I would see in the sink when I finished. I don't know if I was over processing my hair, or if I just didn't know how to care for relaxed hair but my hair used to break off somethin' awful!

Now that I am natural, I've discovered that water can literally make or break my hair! I NEED the moisture! I co-wash almost everyday and my hair has thanked me tremendously! Another unexpected plus, presumably due to the frequent washings, is that I no longer have problems with dandruff! Haven't seen a single flake since going natural three months ago! :wink2:
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Back in the day, hair for me was 90% about styling and 10% about health. Maintaining a bone-straight and hot-curled coif made water my ultimate nemesis. I washed my hair once every 2 weeks.

Fast forward to now: Natural and water is my favorite "hair product". I've been rinsing my hair in the shower just about everyday for the past 2 months and my hair has never been shinier! I lurrrrrrrve WATER!!! :grin:
I kinda don't know which option to pick. Overall, my hair likes water, but not too much of it. Daily co-washes don't work for me, but I cannot go weeks without washing as some others can. I generally like to wait 5-7 days before wetting my hair. But my hair likes to be moisturized with creamy, yet water-based products and sealed with oil, but I cannot spray or wet my hair often or it becomes weak and mushy. So I guess water in moderation is my answer, lol.