Beefin' on the Board!!

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So. . .like I said questions can be stupid. I didn't say you shouldn't ask them. Just ask them at your own risk. Responses are subjective as well. . .as every response given I may not think is rude. I may think it is a justified answer. It can go both ways, right?

You are right about that.
Questions can most certainly be stupid lol. That is a lie school taught us. A synonym for stupid is unintelligent. There are definitely quite a number of unintelligent questions in the world. . .

Uh? Well see I disagree. However we did lose the village idiot and he moved back to crawford, TX.

But let's be real- We've all asked stupid questions and we've all survived the experience-
I mean let's not pretend we're not flawed. And anyway how productive is it to call someone on it? Who does it help? How does it educate?
I also like how the Missourian is one of the least analytical, needs proof, needs to be shown people in this community...based on this empirical evidince, perhaps I should write a letter to the sate government asking us to change our motto.
Uh? Well see I disagree. However we did lose the village idiot and he moved back to crawford, TX.

But let's be real- We've all asked stupid questions and we've all survived the experience-
I mean let's not pretend we're not flawed. And anyway how productive is it to call someone on it? Who does it help? How does it educate?

Yes, I have asked a stupid question in the past and I certainly got a stupid answer right back. So I know it can be very productive. 1- It can help the person know to think before they ask something unintelligent, 2 - It therefore can help them actually become more intelligent by thinking more, and 3 - it can show other ppl that thinking before speaking is beneficial. I am saying this just to answer your question intelligently.

Seriously though, it's not my job to educate anyone. I say just get over the various responses you get or think before you ask the question. It's simple.

I don't understand why ppl expect the person responding to the question to think more about the feelings of the OP than vice versa. Things can be asked in a tactful or intelligent way as well.
Thank you for posting your thoughts!

I'm wondering why newbies are being so harshly judged by some. NO questions is stupid, opinions can be stupid( and yet isn't everyone entitled to an opinon providing it does not infrige on others) but a question? If you don't ask, you'll never know.

I'm not shy, and jump in all the time. I hope never to offend but I'm here to learn and may I say ladies that your knowledge base has blown me away. I am so happy that I 've found you all.

I hope that you can view us newbies with patience :blush: and why not, if anyone was a newbie in my block, I would share all I could to make you comfortable. Does that make sense?

I just want to add my 2 cents.
The “ jumping of the newbies” rarely happens on LHCF.
Whatever you read or witnesses from the previous thread was
a very rare occasion & I believe this thread intent was
to sensationalize and resurrect old quarrels and “finger-pointing”.
* Serves no good IMO*
LHCF, IMO is bigger than this. When I was stalking this site for months,
I noticed that newbies were usually greeted
with cheers of WELCOMES and had various questions answered
and advice thrown at’em.
That is one reason I joined. Its RARE that someone
will be bashed because they asked a question and if bickering occurs we move on.
* I would like to think that we won’t take anything to heart,
it’s the internet lol* Please don’t judge the community on this one event.
So again welcome.
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Oh please!!!!:lachen: This forum is full of cliques, clubs, sercet codes, passwords, and handshakes. Who knows theres probably a secret society hiding somewhere on here:lachen:.... But I guess thats what makes the board so interesting and hot. Some newbies have just been hazed into the forum.:lachen Ive experienced first hand how unforgiving this forum can be:rolleyes: Unfortunately, I basically guillotined myself in *OT*. Luckily I had my "troll" repellant:hardslap:.....

But who knows, this board has thousands of people who all share an interest in hair. And even tho the search function works uber superbly.... you never know when the right person comes at the right time and give you that info that you need that could save the life of your hair. Or a product that makes your already perfect regimen blissful. I diligently use the search function but sometimes it has failed and I wanted to post a thread soooo bad. I personally commend any newbie that starts a thread... Yall jus have to accept the fact that UNFORTUNATELY, there will be people that will rain on your parade, be negative, intimidating condescending, and have nothing nice to say about anything.:perplexed Thankfully the good outweighs the bad...for now:lachen:
I have to admit that I've been afraid to post here as much on the forum and I've been a member since April of last year, researched and read just about every post since then or what I'm looking for info on(and still do) but I still feel afraid that if I post or have questions or concerns or need help, some of the ladies will come out attacking me from no where simply because they can(IMO). I learned real quick that this isn't the friendliest place and who doesn't mind helping out and who forbids it! I mean, I have been paying close attention for a while now to get a feel for the board and still feels the need to be careful. I just drew the conclusion some ladies are mean spirited, disgruntled or too self righteous to take the time out to make a newbie feel comfortable. Its like an act of hazing of some sort, lol. So I don't post much, but I read and research a lot only because not many people are willing to share information. And I was so shocked, too, when videos of beautiful girls with beautiful hair are shared amongst this board from youtube, so many ladies readily attacked her. I was like wow! I didn't know quite of few ladies on here were this way. I thought we embraced each other with warmth, new or old.....but that thought was shattered quickly.
:popcorn: I'm fielding bets on how long it takes for this thread to go on lock...

If this thread gets put on lock then that will be REALLY sad. :nono: because it IS an issue. Ive seen it happen more then a FEW times on this forum and it needs to be addressed. It certainly slowed my willingness to ask questions when I was a newbie to read some of the ways that ppl reacted to questions. Answering a question directly and being RUDE are 2 different things, and it seems that more and more ppl think its ok to be rude. Theres no need for it. Especially if ppl are comin to you with good intentions WANTING to know more. If you got a problem with their question then KIM HEPHA! :hot: IMO
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I have to admit that I've been afraid to post here as much on the forum and I've been a member since April of last year, researched and read just about every post since then or what I'm looking for info on(and still do) but I still feel afraid that if I post or have questions or concerns or need help, some of the ladies will come out attacking me from no where simply because they can(IMO). I learned real quick that this isn't the friendliest place and who doesn't mind helping out and who forbids it! I mean, I have been paying close attention for a while now to get a feel for the board and still feels the need to be careful. I just drew the conclusion some ladies are mean spirited, disgruntled or too self righteous to take the time out to make a newbie feel comfortable. Its like an act of hazing of some sort, lol.

:perplexed I think this says it all. After paying $6.50 no one should have to go through any other form of hazing on a forum. I know of at least 2 people who feel the same way and so don't post at all and just lurk, people, Keep It Moving if a thread or post is annoying/irrelevant/boring/exciting/stupid/self righteous etc, it is your right to hit that "back" button - its also the OP's right to post whatever "nonsense" (or not) they feel like, anything THAT offensive the mods will :padlock: they don't need you to do their job ok?:rolleyes:
:perplexed I think this says it all. After paying $6.50 no one should have to go through any other form of hazing on a forum. I know of at least 2 people who feel the same way and so don't post at all and just lurk, people, Keep It Moving if a thread or post is annoying/irrelevant/boring/exciting/stupid/self righteous etc, it is your right to hit that "back" button - its also the OP's right to post whatever "nonsense" (or not) they feel like, anything THAT offensive the mods will :padlock: they don't need you to do their job ok?:rolleyes:

I haven't seen that thread but the hairboard has taken on a particularly nasty and rude tone recently.
There are some particular members who go out of their way to be rude, coarse, nasty and unhelpful. When confronted with their behaviour they feign ignorance! :spinning:

i agree! this board has changed A LOT! :(
I haven't seen that thread but the hairboard has taken on a particularly nasty and rude tone recently.
There are some particular members who go out of their way to be rude, coarse, nasty and unhelpful. When confronted with their behaviour they feign ignorance! :spinning:

And THIS is the MAIN reason why I don't post as much as I used to. I deal with enough stress in real life.
I have to admit that I've been afraid to post here as much on the forum and I've been a member since April of last year, researched and read just about every post since then or what I'm looking for info on(and still do) but I still feel afraid that if I post or have questions or concerns or need help, some of the ladies will come out attacking me from no where simply because they can(IMO). I learned real quick that this isn't the friendliest place and who doesn't mind helping out and who forbids it! I mean, I have been paying close attention for a while now to get a feel for the board and still feels the need to be careful. I just drew the conclusion some ladies are mean spirited, disgruntled or too self righteous to take the time out to make a newbie feel comfortable. Its like an act of hazing of some sort, lol. So I don't post much, but I read and research a lot only because not many people are willing to share information. And I was so shocked, too, when videos of beautiful girls with beautiful hair are shared amongst this board from youtube, so many ladies readily attacked her. I was like wow! I didn't know quite of few ladies on here were this way. I thought we embraced each other with warmth, new or old.....but that thought was shattered quickly.

It didn't use to be that way, though. I have been a member here since 2002 and it never was THIS bad. You can barely ask a simple question without being attacked or something misconstrued. I usually stick to the soap

All the bickering from the internet gangsters just cause my head to hurt and I don't need the hassle or drama.
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