Be GRATEFUL!!! ***The Hair Gratitude Thread*** (Get in here!)

I am grateful for this beautiful spring day and perfect weather. I am thankful that I have an inch and a half of new growth in 2 months.
I am thankful and so very blessed just to BE here. :yep:

I am thankful for my healthy kinky coiled fine hair.

I love my waves, curls, coils, and frizz :lol:

This is my first intentional go at being natural since adulthood and I have to say that it's been quite a journey. I love how it's going so far. It's wild that my hair seems to have a mind of it's own.... what's even wilder is that I'm learning to understand the language. :lol: YAY! :grin:
I'm thankful that my hair is healthy thick and curly I'm thankful that my hair has bounced back from many setbacks also that it has grown so fast faster than ever before so the length has caught up w pre set back length and is now surpassing those previous lengths
I'm thankful for my soon to achieve full thick HL TL hair
Thanks OP and to all the ladies on the boards and fotki who have shared their knowledge. ESP the longhaired divas who could just leave once they reached their ultimate goal but stayed on to teach.
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I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given in my life and all the opportunities to come.
I am grateful to be born into a warm loving family that lifts me up, and believes I can reach my highest potential.
I am grateful for the strong relationships I have with my father and brother.
I am grateful that I have always been provided for, and have never had to worry about food or shelter.
I am grateful that I am able to visit and maintain relationships with my closest friends, though they live so far away.
I am grateful that I know how to appreciate material blessings but do not live for them.
I am grateful that I am healthy.
I am grateful that I am happy with my looks.
I am grateful that I have hair on my head.
I am grateful that I have a lot of hair on my head.
I am grateful for all the people that are brought into my life, for each and every interaction serves a purpose.
Cute thread NJoy

I am thankful (hair wise):

*That with all of this bleach blonde, I still have hair on my head
*That I have not had a major setback thus far in my HHJ
*That I have made e-acquaintances that have really been supportive and helpful
*That I know what I need to do to get my hair where it needs to be and this has in turn helped me be a more patient and understanding person
But TODAY... I'm shaking off all stinkin thinkin and getting back to an attitude of gratitude! Last year my hair grew like weeds and I was expectant and thankful for everything I got. Thankful for having perfect ends. Thankful for every inch. Thankful for no setbacks. Just THANKFUL for the entire journey.


I am TRULY thankful for thick, healthy hair that is the longest its been since I was a little girl... I'm thankful for the wealth of knowledge and skill I've gained over the past two years, which has led me to Retain nearly every inch I've grown... I'm thankful for the HUGE increase in manageability of my hair since I finally learned what it wants and needs...

I'm thankful for the weave checks, compliments, gracious smiles, and bewildered stares I receive whenever I give the wigs a rest and wear my own hair out... I thankful to still HAVE this much hair in the first place after all the crazy stuff I did to it back in my "bored with my hair just bc'ed awkward length" phase... I'm thankful to have recovered from over-zealous, scissor happy hair trims at the salon- and braiders who INSISTED on those D*mn small tooth combs!!! :down:

I am thankful for whatever my hair looks like on my 1 yr length check in April, whether its bsl or not...


And thank you for this thread Njoy, I needed it!!!!

***runs off to apply sulfur mix for the first time in 2 months and reapply overnight baggy***
blaqharmoni said:
But TODAY... I'm shaking off all stinkin thinkin and getting back to an attitude of gratitude! Last year my hair grew like weeds and I was expectant and thankful for everything I got. Thankful for having perfect ends. Thankful for every inch. Thankful for no setbacks. Just THANKFUL for the entire journey.


I am TRULY thankful for thick, healthy hair that is the longest its been since I was a little girl... I'm thankful for the wealth of knowledge and skill I've gained over the past two years, which has led me to Retain nearly every inch I've grown... I'm thankful for the HUGE increase in manageability of my hair since I finally learned what it wants and needs...

I'm thankful for the weave checks, compliments, gracious smiles, and bewildered stares I receive whenever I give the wigs a rest and wear my own hair out... I thankful to still HAVE this much hair in the first place after all the crazy stuff I did to it back in my "bored with my hair just bc'ed awkward length" phase... I'm thankful to have recovered from over-zealous, scissor happy hair trims at the salon- and braiders who INSISTED on those D*mn small tooth combs!!! :down:

I am thankful for whatever my hair looks like on my 1 yr length check in April, whether its bsl or not...


And thank you for this thread Njoy, I needed it!!!!

***runs off to apply sulfur mix for the first time in 2 months and reapply overnight baggy***

Me Too! Except for the sulfur part.
I am grateful that I came to my senses and stopped letting stylist trim-chop my hair every two weeks.
I am thankful that I found all of the lovely ladies on LHCF and YouTube that have assisted me on my journey thus far.
I am thankful that my daughter , even at age 8, understands that her hair is good no matter what texture or length it is.
I am thankful for all the compliments I receive on my hair every day.
I am thankful for MY hair, with all it's strengths and weaknesses.
I am grateful for my life and the positive attitude that God has given me.
I am grateful that i've finally gotten out of the mentality that 'black hair cant grow'
I am grateful that I am able to work towards my health and the health of my hair.
I am grateful for lhcf and the supportive and amazing members on it :clapping:
In greatfull that I only have 2 inches until APL! I'm so greatful that my hair grows at an amazing rate, and that I'm surprising people everyday and hopefully showing people that black women can grow hair
OMG! I love this thread already. Can't post because of time right now but marking my spot:yep:.
I thank God for everything I know about hair care.

I look at girls/women around me (of all races) who are obviously clueless about how to have healthy hair, and I think, "why do I know what they don't?" Of course, I try to enlighten people, but that's not always easy. :nono:
I am glad for all the grey hair sprouting up on my head, it means God has allowed me to live well beyond what I deserve. Glad to be back on LHCF and get my hair back on a path to health, when I was doing it before I saw so much progress and I can't wait to see it again.
I am thankful to be part of a group of women that share they hair care routines.
I am thankful that I finally got rid of the creamy crack. :boxing:
I am thankful that I love the natural texture of my hair over my previous relaxed hair.
I am grateful to have not 1 but 2 goto hair stylist that can get my hair looking and feeling great!
I am EVER so thankful that after 6 years (yes 6) that my hair is finally moving down my back!

Thank you Lord Jesus!!!!!
I am happy and grateful that my unashamed love of the creamy crack does not determine my self-repsect, self-love or self-worth! I am a happy camper:yep:!

More to come later.
I am grateful to have hair period. I get weave checked ALOT, and sometimes it is irritating. But that just means the people see what I sometimes don't. There are people who would love to have my hair's length and/or texture. I often times forget how blessed I am when it comes to my hair. Thank you for reminding me that MY grass is green :sunshine:

And :bighug: to you and my deepest sympathy for your loss.
I'm thankful that I finally found a detangling routine that works for me. :reddancer:
I am most thankful for thick hair that may not always do what I expect but it stays on my head and that is alright with me..
I am so grateful to God for:
Allowing me to restore my hair to healthiness
Giving me the opportunity to learn from ladies who know a thing or two about healthy hair:yep:
Giving me a love for my progress and helping me discover all of the natural products that are good for my hair:lick:

I look forward to more growth, health, and styles my hair will be able to give me:yep:

Happy and Grateful hair growth to all!