Be GRATEFUL!!! ***The Hair Gratitude Thread*** (Get in here!)


For Starting This THREAD...

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm grateful that even though I was intimidated by this site at first, I kept coming back to read and research.

I'm grateful that so many ladies have openly shared their haircare routines so I could learn from their successes as well as their setbacks.

I'm grateful that I tried some of the "new-fangled" techniques even when I felt weird doing them the first time (i.e. Cowashing, m&s, honey, evoo, stretching relaxers).

I'm grateful that my hair looks healthy enough for strangers to approach me for hair tips. I'm extremely grateful that I have gained the knowledge to share with them.

Yes, I want longer hair, but I appreciate the length I have right this minute because it's the longest my hair has ever been!

I love lhcf! :)

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I thankful for hot oil treatments because I just realized that's what my hair needed last week and I haven't had any hair issues since
I'm grateful for a loving family a sound mind, good health and being alive.

Hair wise: I'm just grateful to have hair left on my head :lol: After all the abuse I did to my fine strands :afro:
I am grateful that my hair is growing thick and long, at snails pace, but it's growing nonetheless.
My roommate as an undergrad had alopecia that was exacerbated by wearing braids and weaves, she went from thin edges to bald within two years.

When I think of her I feel so guilty for ever complaining about my hair.
I am thankful that my hair is resilient and has bounced back (sorta) from all the crap that i've put it through. :)

Other than that I am thankful for my family and a great job :)
I'm thankful..God blessed me by waking me up today..FIRST


Thank all of your for encouraging words & hair support & thank all my hair challenge buddies/for sharing & exchanging ideas & tips...At the end of the day its about growing in health and hair etc...

From my relaxer set back to my NATURAL come back..This has been truly a learning experience..That is why I love to share..At one time some-one helped me.....


Happy Hair Growing!


OMG!! That is SOOOO awesome! I'm SOOOO happy for you! God willing, I'll be here to celebrate with you, girlie. **Getting my dancing shoes ready now*** :yep:
Im thankful for having a loving family, with siblings who I share a very close bond with.(There are 4 of us and we are all so close with eachother even in adulthood)

As for my hair, Im thankful for even finding this board to achieve health and length. Im thankful for my very thick hair and should stop complaining about it being too thick, because there are folks who are wishing for thick hair.
Im thankful for having a loving family, with siblings who I share a very close bond with.(There are 4 of us and we are all so close with eachother even in adulthood)

As for my hair, Im thankful for even finding this board to achieve health and length. Im thankful for my very thick hair and should stop complaining about it being too thick, because there are folks who are wishing for thick hair.

Amen, Sista. Amen!
As far as hair I'm thankful for the knowledge I've obtained to take proper care of it. I'm also thankful my bald spot is filling in even tho its super thin its hair:lol:. I'm thankful for LHCF members that are selfless and has helped us on our HHJ!:yep:
I'm thankful for discovering this forum and you lovely ladies!
I'm thankful that I know that my hair can and has grown to lengths I never thought it would.
I'm thankful for the opportunity to discover my natural God-given hair and the lengths it can grow.
I'm thankful for being alive even though I'm out of a job and slightly broke LOL (I know better days are ahead)
I can go on and on but I'll stop here.

Thank you for this thread Njoy, you are one of my hair inspirations on this board. :kiss:

OMG!! That is SOOOO awesome! I'm SOOOO happy for you! God willing, I'll be here to celebrate with you, girlie. **Getting my dancing shoes ready now*** :yep:

NJoy Thank You! You will be with me & my LHCF sisters to celebrate with dancing shoes on....

Happy Hair Growing!
I am so thankful that I didn't have to cut my hair this week.

I tried a CRAZY pre-poo mixture, just to use up some products that I didn't want to throw away. Well, when I rinsed that mess out, I had dreads, major dreads, all over my head! I'm 7 weeks post, and my hair was so "locked" that I first.

It was after 10pm, and I was so tired, but after over 2 hours, and a bunch of conditioner, I PATIENTLY detangled my hair, with miminal breakage. I was thanking God, the whole time, that I would not have to cut anything out.

I thank God for my healthy hair and everything I have learned on LHCF!! :grin:
First I want to thank God for leading me to LHCF.
I am grateful for the knowledge that I have received from LHCF, as a result I no longer view doing my and my dd's hair as a chore, but I actually enjoy it.
I am grateful for the health of my hair and the progress that I have made these last 2 1/2 years.
I am grateful for all the lovely progress photos that encouraged me to continue my HHJ when I felt like giving up.
I am grateful that after 12 years, my temples that thinned out after the birth of my dd are finally filling in.
Great thread! I am thankful for:

God's grace and mercy.
Jesus' sacrifice for me.
My family and friends.
The pearls of hair wisdom gleaned from this forum.
For each hair that I don't lose to PCOS.
For every inch of natural hair growing through my transition.
For my husband who has supported my transition, my product junkie phase, my homemade hair concoctions and who tells me daily that even if I am eventually completely bald, I will continue to be the most beautiful woman in the world, lol!
I am grateful for my family and friends. My health and my love.

As for my hair I am so grateful for no serious setbacks and that I finally got my henna regimn right so that my grey is fully covered.
I am thankful to Njoy for starting this thread. What a beautiful idea.

My sister had beautiful thick hair that she lost before she passed away unexpectedly at the age of 31. Sometimes when I read threads where people are complaining about simple things, or when I do it myself, I think about how blessed we are to have hair, period. How incredible that we are alive. Most of us are healthy, our hair can and does grow, and if we have a setback, guess what - it will grow back.

So I am thankful for my sons, my husband, my parents, my sisters, my nieces and nephew, everyone who has touched my life and whose life I have been privileged to touch. I am truly thankful to God for His grace and mercy. I am thankful for every setback, every lesson learned, every triumph. I truly am simply thankful for the ability to breathe with ease, which is something else my sister lost before she passed away. I didn't mean to get too deep, but this thread came right on time.

Thank you Njoy.
Great thread! I'm so thankful for the strong bond that I have with my mother, she is always there for me and my best friend :D

I am so thankful for all the knowledge I have gotten from this board, I have come SUCH a long way. Oh my gosh I used to sleep on a cotton pillow with no scarf, use heat every day, and use a leave-in after shampooing with no DCing. I have so much knowledge about hair in general and with all these products I keep trying it just keeps getting better and better :D
* I am thankful for every kink and coil, and curl
* I am thankful for the luscious locs and generous shine
* I am thankful that my hair continues to grow effortlessly and with abundance!

I LOVE MY HAIR! And you know what, I LOVE YOUR HAIR TOO!
This is the best hair board thread ever! :)

- I'm thankful to be a part of this thread

- I'm thankful that I have a full head of hair. Quite a few of the elders in my family have permanent hair loss so I know hair isn't something you take for granted.

- I'm thankful for indigo tips I picked up here on lhcf. Me and commercial dye weren't getting along, and without the info on this board or I wouldn't have known that indigo was an option.
I am grateful to have a loving Father who cares about even the very hair on my head. Thank you, Jehovah!

I am grateful to have a Brother who intercedes on my behalf. Thank you, Jesus!

I am grateful to Holy Spirit who gives me wisdom to know what to do when I need to do it. Thank you, Holy Spirit!

I am grateful that Beverly had the grace on her life to found this forum. It has truly blessed more than she can imagine. Thanks, Bev.

I am grateful to NJoy for starting THE BEST THREAD ON LHCF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, NJoy.

I am grateful for the wonderful sisters who impart wisdom and encouragement to those of us on our hair journey. Thanks, LHCF.

I am grateful for the very hair on my head in all it's glory, with ALL I've been through - ALOPECIA, Chemical Burns, Transitioning, - you name it, it's still with me. Thank you, Hair, for not leaving me and for being obedient to become the hair of my dreams.
I am greatful for the knowledge I can access on this site.
I am greatful for my family, job, and my health.
I will make an effort to cut the complaining each day and recognize my blessings.
I am grateful for every blessing that has come into my life. I have a good husband and wonderful child. We are all healthy. I also have very good job. I am grateful l that my hair is healthy. I know that I will have the hair of my dreams.
I am Grateful for the gifts of love and forgiveness.
I am Grateful for every different texture, length and coil on my head.
I am Grateful for my frizz and my buns. I am grateful for henna and DC's for grapeseed oil and shea butter. I am grateful for co-washing and steaming. I am grateful for God's anointing on my life. I am grateful for vaseline, (mom was right it does have its place!). I am grateful for all the women who come up to me and praise my natural hair. I am grateful for the versatility the complexity and the simplicity of my natural hair.
Ladies, I am fully and completely GRATEFUL!!!!!!!! And so it is! Amen!
Thankful for discovering all the wonderful natural things God has put on this earth. Thankful for learning about natural things that will prevent future illness and adverse reactions. Thankful for the self acceptance and self esteem that comes with age and maturity.
I am thankful for the length and thickness i have been able to achieve. i have not had such long and even hair ever in my may be short according to lhcf strandards but its long to me :)
In no particular order - I'm grateful for God's grace, mercy and love; life, health, strength, peace, prosperity, knowledge (all forms to include hair) and family. *tear*
I'm sorry about the loss of your mother. I didn't realize that she had passed. I thank God for life, health, strength and that I still have hair on my head!
I'm thankful for good health that leads to me having healthier hair.
I'm thankful to lhcf for the hair tips.
I'm thankful to Njoy for creating this thread.