Be careful with protein!!!! (long)


New Member
Last night I washed my hair and used Lanza hair reconstructor under my heat cap for 30 minutes. I rinsed it out and then put in Keracare Humecto and went back under the heat cap for 45 mins. (was watching TV & lost track of the time!!) Then I just put a scarf over my plastic cap and went to bed, which turned out to be a bad idea, cuz the Humecto is very thin & drippy!!

Anyway, I rinsed my hair out in the shower this morning, and I noticed that it didn't have any slip at all, which is unusual considering that I slept with conditioner in my hair overnight. Well, when I went to start detangling, I immediately realized that something was very wrong. My hair was really tangly and I knew that I would lose way too much hair if I even attempted to continue.

So I went downstairs and put in my Aussie Slip, which usually works like a dream; I rinsed it out in the sink, and that helped A LITTLE, but still not enough!! I put in some Smooth & Sleek and massaged it in, left in on for just a minute and rinsed.

Then I went back upstairs and put in some Nexxus Headdress & proceeded to try & detangle my hair. It was still a little tangly, and on one side there were two CLUMPS of hair all balled up & tangled into the bottom third of my hair!!
(This has to be the worst sight ever!!). I tried to untangle them but it was totally impossible. I ended up just pulling them out of my hair. I was really upset at first but then when I was finished detangling I went & collected all the hair that came out in the whole process. I balled it up and then it didn't look like that much, but still!!! It was definitely hair that didn't need to come out!!

I have been using protein treatments or reconstructors at every wash (once a week) and I think I need to lay off the protein for a while.

I just wanted to warn everyone about the dangers of using too much protein and/or not following the directions on the bottle. It's really tricky knowing just how much is too much. Unfortunately, I think it comes down to trial & error.

I should have used the Lanza the way it said to; just leave on for 3-5 mins. w/o heat. I used it that way once before and my hair was fine. I thought that the heat would make it penetrate better.
Sorry to hear about your experience
. Protein and reconstructors every week IMO is quite excessive
.I remember something similiar happened to me a while back. Now I always make sure to alternate the usage of protein and moisturising conditioners to every other week to avoid this problem
THANKS For the reminder about using too much protein I usally use my mild protein treatment every
two week if I dont have any shedding or breakage.
I use drc and joico kpak once a month.
I had a bad experience myself with over doing the protein thing too. I used K-Pac for like 45 minutes and it's says "5" and my hair was super dry and tangled. One time I left ORS mayo over nite and my hair was so dried and breaking. So, the lesson to be learn is "Don't mess around with those protein conditioners and do exactly what the bottle says to do"
den1 said:
Now I always make sure alternate my usage of protein and moisturising conditioners to every other week to avoid this problem

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Thanks, Den... I think I'm going to do that from now on, too!!
Miosy said:
So, the lesson to be learn is "Don't mess around with those protein conditioners and do exactly what the bottle says to do"

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That's right, Miosy!! You can believe that after today's experience I'm gonna be EXTRA careful!!!

I rarely do a full out protein treatment. But I think I am going to start, but will limit it to once every 3 or 4 weeks

Careful girl! We don't want you to lose all that nice hair you have.
Aaaw; thanks Supergirl!! I have to post an update. I just took my rollers out and my hair came out really nice and bouncy!!! It almost looks like I just came from the salon!!
Also I tested a strand and it felt SOOO strong!! I almost couldn't break it!! I guess the reconstructor DID benefit my hair after all. I still won't do it again for a couple of weeks though, and I won't use it with heat again either.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Lindy. Something like this happened to me once and now I do the protein treatment once each month. My hair seems to like that. Looking forward to seeing your hair update!
Isis said:
Looking forward to seeing your hair update!

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Thanks Isis, but I was just saying that I had to post an update on my hair situation of today... I'm not planning on taking any more hair pictures until December
; otherwise I will get too disgusted at the lack of growth!!
(I'm planning on being diligent with my vitamins for the next 2 months to see if I get any benefits)
It is a two edged sword Lindy....

I'm sorry you had that scare
. I'm glad that it ended up ok in the end.
I'd do straight moisture for the next two times. Protein lifts the cuticle some and sleeping in it (tossing, turning) probably allowed the little lifted scales to catch on to one another - hence the clumps.

I'm sorry that happened.

Just my opinion - but I do think that there are a multitude of hair situations where weekly protein is not only a good idea, but indeed necessary. It's not for the average mostly healthy head of hair, and it should be done carefully but there are times when it's beneficial IMO.
It can save some heads of hair.

When I color my relaxed hair for instance I always follow up with a round of weekly protein treatements for a while. Nothing shores the hair up against breakage and damage better in this kind of circumstance.

Do be careful with it though girl!
Lindy, I'm glad your hair came out just fine and that you didn't lose too much. I'm sure cutting back the treatments to once a month will probably have just as much benefit.
I think in the quest for long, beautiful hair, there is a tendency to over-do the intensive treatments, and use too many products. Layering product on top of product, IMO, can't be good for the hair. I think it is best to keep the process simple, whether it be the care and maintenance of hair or skin.

I apply a protein reconstructor about once a month, without heat. I then follow with a moisturizing treatment, to which I apply heat.

In any event Lindy, I, am glad that your hair came out fine.

I learned my lesson about using too much protein also. I am alternating different types of protein and only use the hard stuff once a month or so. On the days you just moisturize, think of all the time you save, not to mention your hair!
Thanks for sharing

Seeing "clumps" of tangled hair is quite despairing to say the least.

ur hair is back on the right track now