BC in the Summer or Winter?

When is the best time to BC?

  • Summer

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Winter

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I say winter because you can wear hats or wigs and your head won't be hot like it is in the summer time.

Also, if you occassionally flat iron in the winter, your hair won't be affected by the summer humidity.

This is what i did.
I am considering transitioning. My hair grows very fast and quite frankly I like the natural curl pattern of my hair and am tired of my hair growing then breaking in one spot because of the texture difference while being relaxed.
I say BC in the Spring leading into the summer so you can easily do wash-n-gos. But of course that depends on how long you plan on transitioning and how much hair you'll be working with.
I would BC in the warmer weather. For me it would have been easier at the twa stage when it was warm so I could wet my hair more frequently. I think it also depends on your length and what types of styles you plan on wearing.
I havent done the BC yet but i plan on chopping in spring/early summer. That way i can experiment with wash and gos
Definitely in the warmer weather. I've experienced my first winter as a natural and my hair was super prone to dryness. I don't think trying to get a new routine down and fighting dry winter weather is going to be a good combo.

Also it is so all fire hot where I live that shorter hair was a godsend this past summer.
I voted winter because I just cut down to 1in and am happy it isn't to hot to wear my wig. I guess it matters what type of BC. Some people have several inches natural and if I had, I would have chopped in the summer to WnG.
This is my first winter as a natural but I am glad that I did the BC in the summer because now I know what products work for my hair and what doesnt...
Summer definitely. I BC'd in December and although I wanted to wear wash n go's I hated leaving the house with my hair wet. If your on the fence just BC in the Spring.
I chose summer--for this poll and in real life. I think shorter hair works better in the summer warm months, and summer always helps to boost my mood in case I was feeling down about the cut. However, it was a non-issue. Also, you can do con washes daily without having wet hair all day when it's cold out.
I am BCing in the summer, but mainly because I will be out of school, and I won't have to worry about constant comments about how short my hair is.