BC and new routine after NightMare(lots of hair porn)


New Member
HELP!!!!BC and new routine after BKT NightMare(lots of hair porn)

Okay ladies. I BChopped all the BKt i had left in my hair off. Im pissed because i basically lost a year and a half of new growth. And all my hard work. Im going on a healthy hair bootcamp journey. Im on a real no direct heat mission. Im not even rollersetting at this point. I wash with nexxus therapee precondition with kerafix and deep condition with nexxus humectus weekly. Im using emergencee in place of the kerafix BIweekly. Im combing my hair staight applying a quarter of chi silk serum to both sides of my hair then sitting under my bonnet to get it about 70% dry then ill use my flexi rods and roll it up for a little style.
the first pic is my rugged BKT raveged hair. The second is afetr a trim. Everything after that is my BC. And by BC i mean i cut out the remaining BKT.(if yu want my BKT experiance search my post) I really want to focus on recooperation this post.


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I have been getting alot of questions lately in regards to my experiance with BKT. :n ono:
its been a year since I first had it done. Sorry ladies but I would not take the plunge again.
I honestly dont think the iron has to be set at 450 degrees to set the product in. With that said the passing the iron over your hair ten times is suicide.!!!!!!!!!!!
My hair looked good the first two months . month three I noticed before I went back for another treatment that my hair strands were begining to peel. Yes P E E L ladies. Evenvtually all where the BKT was applied my hair strands began to look like the were exploding. I bought the coppala upkeep products and in all honesty even though I have cut have of my hair off mostely were the BKT was applied i still use them they are really good.

If I could turn back the hands of times I would have probally still tried the product but requested for my stylist to run the iron down my hair shaft one time real slow in my opinion thats all you need.

If you have already done this process CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION!!!
Good luck girl
the first severaql pictures are right after my bKT the las one is my thin frail
Im thiniing about washing twice a week or like every five days. I dont moisterize at all cuz it seems like im fine with my protein and moister on routine. mybe ill try a little NTM and see how i feel.