Battle of the Brushes

How do you feel about these brushes?

  • I've tried both and preferred the Denman. I'm type 3.

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Denman. I'm type 4.

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Goody. I'm type 3.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Goody. I'm type 4.

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • I've only tried the Denman and I liked it.

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • I've only tried the Denman and I disliked it.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I've only tried the Goody and I liked it.

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • I've only tried the Goody and I disliked it.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So I've tried two popular brushes and wondered other people's opinions of them. I like one of them so much more than the other, I wonder if there's anyone who's tried both and doesn't feel the same. The contenders:

Denman D3

Goody Add+Shine (paddle brush size)

Tell us what you like or dislike about these brushes. The first few options in the poll ask for hair type as well. If you reply, please let us know what type of hair you have. You don't have to use the Andre system, you can just describe it.
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I voted tried both and prefer Denman. I have and sometimes use the Denman brush in the photo, but I most often use and prefer the black Denman 9-row brush. I've been buying these brushes at Sally's for a number of years and recently found out the only Denman they now carry is the classic (like in the photo). The Black one is softer and because it has more rows, brushes my hair easier. It also works better for my girls who have natural 3a/b midback length hair, though they most often use the classic.
I've only tried the Denman and I liked it as a 4B natural. I don't use it on my relaxed hair now.
dangit, i forgot to include options for relaxed and natural. oops. well, there are only so many options you can put in a poll anyway. thanks for the responses and for letting us know your specs.
I'm a 4a/3c natural and I've only tried the denman(D3). I love this brush for it's all purpose uses: Detangling, get rid of shed hairs, slicking, defining and clumping my curls as well as my own personal head massager LOL:grin:
Great thread! I was in Sallys looking quite confused the other day! This thread will help me decide. How much does each brush run (price wise)?
I'm a 3c/4a transitioner, have and use both brushes. I like both for different purposes.

The Denman D3 (7 row) or D4 (9 row) I use on wet hair only after I've detangled to remove shed hair. It makes myhair smooth and I like the way it clumps my curls together and makes my waves lay down.

The Goody brush I use on dry hair only to detangle. I add oil or a bit of conditioner or detangler to my hair and use this brush to remove tangles before washing. I never use it on wet hair, the bristles are too flimsy for that. IMO, that's all this brush is good for.

If I could only pick one though, it would be the Denman, hands down. It's a lot more sturdy and feels wonderful on my scalp.

ETA: If you purchase your Denman from Sally, the price is about the same for each.
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I am 3c/4a natural and I have tried the Denman D3, D4, and the Goody brushes. I prefer the Denmans (the D4 is my favorite) because the bristles are sturdier/stronger and it makes it easier to detangle and smooth my hair.

The Goody brush was a waste of money, the bristles just broke off. I believe my hair was just too much for the Goody brush.
I am so mad at that Goody brush:wallbash:!!! It's an amazing brush yes, but half my bristles fell of after a few uses.....grrrr

I will never be buying that again!
I am so mad at that Goody brush:wallbash:!!! It's an amazing brush yes, but half my bristles fell of after a few uses.....grrrr

I will never be buying that again!

That's my one complaint about the Goody. In fairness, it's not designed to detangle kinky hair. I think it's meant for straight-ish hair to just add shine to it. Really, it's probably precisely because it's so gentle that the bristles are weak.

I'm a type 4 natural and I prefer the Goody. Actually, I won't even use the Denman anymore. It is just too rough. I destroyed my last Goody after about 6 or 7 detangling sessions and I just bought another. If I have to buy this brush over and over again every 2-3 months, I will.
That's my one complaint about the Goody. In fairness, it's not designed to detangle kinky hair. I think it's meant for straight-ish hair to just add shine to it. Really, it's probably precisely because it's so gentle that the bristles are weak.

I'm a type 4 natural and I prefer the Goody. Actually, I won't even use the Denman anymore. It is just too rough. I destroyed my last Goody after about 6 or 7 detangling sessions and I just bought another. If I have to buy this brush over and over again every 2-3 months, I will.
You're probably right....I never thought of it that way. I was using it to detangle wash n' go's so no wonder I destroyed it. I was thinking of trying that other one....the copper one, do you know what I'm talking about? I doubt if it would be the same though.

I don't even think my brush even lasted 2 or 3 months. At one point I was thinking the oils and products in my hair were making the bristles even softer and weaker than what they are.
^^^ And I thought i was the only one with the bristles popping off after a few uses. I to will repurchase. I have only seen the brushes in the Straight haired community walgreen stores.
So it seems I'll still have to buy both of them. Good and bad reviews for both of them.
When I was looking at the Goody at Walmart I thought the bristles seemed a little too bendy, but if it works for mwedzi, I'll give it a chance. Now I have to find a D4 to order online.
I would have tried the add shine brush but i can never find it. I like it for styling mainly. if i want to detangle i would use my modified brush in which i removed some rows of bristles so it resembles this brush
I'm doubting that the goody would work on my hair as i have broken quite a few brushes and combs.
I liked the goody brush, but the bristles kept breaking so I don't use it anymore. I'm a type 4 natural.

Now I just use a comb.
I haven't tried either of those, but I used the D4 a few months after a first went natural... broke a bristle off on the first try. :ohwell: I have a Conair cushion brush now that I like ok, but I've broken two bristles after using it for a couple months.

I was looking at the D3 in Sally's... it doesn't look sturdy enough for my hair, but I could be wrong. :ohwell:
I have and use the denman. I use it about once every 2 weeks to do a good detangle.
I love it!
Have'nt tried the goody add shine.
I have 4a/4bish type hair.
I have both and prefer the Denman, I'm a 4 Natural. I loved the Goody my first few times detangling because it worked much better than my wide tooth comb but noticed I still had a problem with knots and getting all the tangles out. I saw a youtube demonstration of a girl with type 4 hair run her Denman through her hair with ease so immediately went out and got one and now swear by it. The Goody works great on my dry hair, I used it to brush out a twist out and was amazed at how straight and shiny it left my hair. The Denman is the truth, it leaves my curls and hair extremely managable and leaves little hair in my brush which of course I like:grin:. I primarily use the Denman but like I have the Goody because I'm afraid to use the Denman on my dry hair so I think the Goody will be my go to brush for that purpose only.
You're probably right....I never thought of it that way. I was using it to detangle wash n' go's so no wonder I destroyed it. I was thinking of trying that other one....the copper one, do you know what I'm talking about? I doubt if it would be the same though.

You won't be able to use the copper one while your hair is wet...think of the Statue of Liberty. Copper turns when exposed to the elements and the wetness will soon turn the bristles green. :ohwell: I also read that the bristles on the copper one weren't as friendly and were much stiffer. HTH :yep:

ETA: I only just got the goody brush, so I haven't really tried it out much yet. I think the reason why the bristles may be breaking so easily is because it wasn't meant to be used on wet hair.

I have a denman knock-off that I think is ok, but so far for the goody seems to be gentler on my hair.
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You're probably right....I never thought of it that way. I was using it to detangle wash n' go's so no wonder I destroyed it. I was thinking of trying that other one....the copper one, do you know what I'm talking about? I doubt if it would be the same though.

I don't even think my brush even lasted 2 or 3 months. At one point I was thinking the oils and products in my hair were making the bristles even softer and weaker than what they are.
I thought I read on the insert that came w/the Goody that it's supposed to be replaced every few months anyway. I wonder if it just self-destructs if you don't...if this is true, the Denman is most def the better investment.
I'm a 3c/4a transitioner, have and use both brushes. I like both for different purposes.

The Denman D3 (7 row) or D4 (9 row) I use on wet hair only after I've detangled to remove shed hair. It makes myhair smooth and I like the way it clumps my curls together and makes my waves lay down.

The Goody brush I use on dry hair only to detangle. I add oil or a bit of conditioner or detangler to my hair and use this brush to remove tangles before washing. I never use it on wet hair, the bristles are too flimsy for that. IMO, that's all this brush is good for.

Ditto, except that I am 3c and I also recently started using the Goody to style my rollerset hair. :yep: It glides through. I would never try that with the Denman.
I am natural. I have not tried the denman. I have the goody. I only use it on straighten hair after rollerset or flat iron. It works really nice but does nothing on wet hair.
I am natural and I voted for denman. This is the best brush for my hair when I am trying to brush my hair into a bun or when I detangle. It doesn't break my hair and all it takes is a few good strokes of the denman brush through my hair to get it into one good bun or puff. :grin:
I have both. I just recently purchased the Goody brush. I used it only on flat-ironed hair. I can't say I was in love but will continue to use it.

The Denman got alot of shed hair out when detangling. I felt I was probably pulling alot of unnecceary hair out or maybe I had alot of shed hair. I dunno. I have too much hair anyway.

Last night after already detangled hair from washing, I used my Goody to detangle each section of hair I was to twist. I didn't lose alot of hair like I would have the denman.

Conclusion.... They serve two different purposes and I don't prefer one over the other; because my hair wasn't badly tangled last night, the Goody worked. I would have to try it when my hair is a mess to really see if it holds up. I don't think it would work if I had been wearing WnGs all week.