Battle of the Brushes

How do you feel about these brushes?

  • I've tried both and preferred the Denman. I'm type 3.

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Denman. I'm type 4.

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Goody. I'm type 3.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I've tried both and preferred the Goody. I'm type 4.

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • I've only tried the Denman and I liked it.

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • I've only tried the Denman and I disliked it.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I've only tried the Goody and I liked it.

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • I've only tried the Goody and I disliked it.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
4a/3c/3c checking in....!

The Denman RUINED my curls and coils but tamed my 4b patches. A no win.

The Goody made my 4a and 3c curls pop and made my 4b hair less "angry". :lachen:

Goody for me. Works on texlaxed curls and dry straight relaxed hair having used it on those types while doing my relative's hair.

i've tried both and I likw the Denman for wet hair. I actually have 2 Denmans, one has black bristles and the one in your pic. The one in your pick is very sturdy and you have to be careful with it but it's a great detangling device. The black bristle denman I have is VERY flexible and I LOVE IT. The Goody is okay but it's packaging says you are only supposed to use it on dry hair.
I thought I read on the insert that came w/the Goody that it's supposed to be replaced every few months anyway. I wonder if it just self-destructs if you don't...if this is true, the Denman is most def the better investment.
I don't know how many months but I got maybe 5 to 6 good uses out of it.
You won't be able to use the copper one while your hair is wet...think of the Statue of Liberty. Copper turns when exposed to the elements and the wetness will soon turn the bristles green. :ohwell: I also read that the bristles on the copper one weren't as friendly and were much stiffer. HTH :yep:

ETA: I only just got the goody brush, so I haven't really tried it out much yet. I think the reason why the bristles may be breaking so easily is because it wasn't meant to be used on wet hair.

I have a denman knock-off that I think is ok, but so far for the goody seems to be gentler on my hair.
Ok, thanks....i didn't know that about the copper.

I never used the goody on wet hair....only for combing out my dry wash n' go's or braid-outs before shampooing.

It is a great brush no doubt, I just wish it would hold up better....especially for the price.
Am I the only person that uses dogs brushes (that did not sound right, lol)??? The ones with a paddle (wig) brush on one side and a boars hair on the other? I am relaxed and they are really good while wrapping dry hair. Wrap with paddle (flip) smooth with boar, repeat...

I don't think I've used a "human" brush in years. I initially bought it cause I thought it actually was a clever human brush, lol.