bar soap or body wash to clean hair?


New Member
I was wondering because i remember when i was younger my grandmother sometimes washed my hair with regular bar soap when giving me my bath. I dont think it did anything terrible to my hair. And i'm thinking that maybe with all of the mild moisturizing soaps and body washes out on the market today that maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea to just use one all over cleansing product for your body and hair and just follow up with your favorite conditioner. What do you guys think?
I don't think this is a good idea babyblue. To my understanding, bar soaps and body washes are highly alkaline. This means disaster over time for the hair because the hair and scalp are naturally acidic. It's best to use a cleansing product close to the same acidic PH (4.5-5.5) of the hair and scalp.
nope!! it may not have done any harm using regular soap, but i'm sure it didn't do any good either. people definitely want alot of bubbles with body washes and soaps. with the harsh chemicals that have to be used to accomplish that, i'm sure even the "mild" ones have plenty.

if your goal is to maintain your current length, it would probably be okay. however, why risk it? i'm a firm believer in giving the hair what it needs, not using what you can get away with. there are also great shampoos on the market. i think you should keep using them. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would be very leery of using body soap to was my hair. The only exceptions would be ones like Dr. Bronners or maybe a castile or milk soap from the health food store.

These are natural soaps that are mild and not nearly as harsh as the soaps at the grocery store.
I would advise against it as well. I have dry skin and some soaps and body washed dry it out even more, even the gentle ones. So, I can imagine what it would do to your hair over time.
I wouldn't do it. As a kid I washed my hair with Dove soap in the tub because I couldn't reach the shampoos and conditioners and I wanted to wash my hair right then and there. My hair was extreeeeeemly dry, and boy it hurt to get it blowdried and pressed. My hair was sore for hours. I'll never do it again. It's too drying, and I'll stick to poo's and conditioners.
I used the Kiss me Olive soap and Shakakai(??) soaps. They worked well(not alot of lather) but I could only used them with very soft water. Hard water was out of the question. I didn't like the smell of either one so I didn't use them again. You can buy shampoo bar soaps. I've seen them on the internet. I just prefer liquid. I don't know what would have been the results over time.