Bantu Knot Set

Lillian, yes you can do this style on short hair. You just need to do alot more knots, and you'll need to use pins or something to set it because a scrunchie will be too big.
I used to wear my hair like this all the time when I was natural. It's a great style that can be sported on almost any hair-length, and on any texture.
I tried it last night. I am loving it. there was a small section that did not dry completely, but for a first time I am not complaining. this a great alternative to roller setting. Saves me some time and frustration of combing through my dense new growth
I wanted to try this this past weekend, but after my great hair washing disaster ( detangling for 40 mins) i didnt want to even look at my hair
so i will be trying it this weekend
I also tried it last night and loved the way it came out. The only thing I would change is I wouldn't so as many knots. I did about 11 and my hair came out extremely tightly curled. I'll be trying it again though this time with about 4-6 knots.
I did it and i made 6 knots. It looks really cute. I just pinned it up , though when I took it down it was really big. But its still cute and really soft!
okay, i caved
i just put them in my hair
if they come out too crazy i'm gonna throw some chopsticks in my hair and have a curly/wavy updo tomorrow
i will post pics
-- jainygirl
dontspeakdefeat said:
Hey Jainy!

This is my second day! I am loving how simple this style is!

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i know it looks great on you DSD
girl we really have to meet up and have a mini Atlanta meet. i hate that i didnt get to go to the Big meeting, but we have to still do something
Natural_Girl said:
If you want it curly, you may try doing double stranded twists then wrap the twist around itself and secure with a bobby pin.
If you want it more wavy, just take the section of hair and twist it around itself and secur ewith a bobby pin.
You may do it on dry or wet hair...I find mine come out better on wet hair and my ends curl more...b/c my hair takes a while to dry, I try to do them either earlier in the day or make sure that I have at least an hour or two the next day b/f I take them out...and voila - I get a great curly do!

You may also try flat twisting from the front to the back and then wrapping the end of each twist around itself and secure with a bobby pin - this produces a great curly/wavy look (depending how many flat twists you do) too - and is quick and easy.

Although I'm natural, I think it will work for relaxed 4a/b hair.

Hope this helps!

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This is exactly how I did mine through my transition and now with all natural hair.

If you want to see what your hair will look like natural...this is an excellent style for it.

You would need to make small knots. I use shea butter to hold and moisturize by twist and the style last me now at least 2 days maybe 3. By the 3rd day (if you are natural) you can dampen your hair with water or spritz with some type of leave in conditioner and the curls will turn into coils.

I believe with all my heart this style helped me transition as long as I did...because my natural roots weren't being forced to do something by the way of heat or a blow dryer. I was able to keep my permed ends for 7 months and some naturals have been able to go longer than a year doing a similar style.

The step by step style instructions are in my transition album. Feel free to take a look. PW: In Transition
jainygirl said:
okay, i caved
i just put them in my hair
if they come out too crazy i'm gonna throw some chopsticks in my hair and have a curly/wavy updo tomorrow
i will post pics
-- jainygirl

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I'm looking forward to your pics! How many knots did you make?
this is interesting.. maybe i should try this since i'm not 2 fond of this braid out thing... *thinks*
Isis said:
jainygirl said:
okay, i caved
i just put them in my hair
if they come out too crazy i'm gonna throw some chopsticks in my hair and have a curly/wavy updo tomorrow
i will post pics
-- jainygirl

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I'm looking forward to your pics! How many knots did you make?

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Hey Isis
i made 6 knots and my hair came out nicer than i thought it would but i rushed and put it in a ponytail because i was running late yesterday for my 8 oclock class so i didnt have the time to "play" with it and get it looking how it should. I still actually LOVED the ponytail look alot
the only problem is the waves didnt last as long as i would have liked (they were well into falling by yesterday evening), so i will do the set again on Saturday with 8 knots and i PROMISE, promise, promise i will post the pics
I noticed that the looser the curls, the quicker it loses the curl. I don't like using any setting lotions because they make my hair crispy. I just redo them every night and I have fresh curls everymorning.

I've been reading this post and Wildflower that hair style is beautiful. I love the way look. Anyways, I decided to try them to. I did 6 bantu knots after putting all my stuff in my hair. I will take pictures when I take them down tonite...
jainygirl said:
Isis said:
jainygirl said:
okay, i caved
i just put them in my hair
if they come out too crazy i'm gonna throw some chopsticks in my hair and have a curly/wavy updo tomorrow
i will post pics
-- jainygirl

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I'm looking forward to your pics! How many knots did you make?

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Hey Isis
i made 6 knots and my hair came out nicer than i thought it would but i rushed and put it in a ponytail because i was running late yesterday for my 8 oclock class so i didnt have the time to "play" with it and get it looking how it should. I still actually LOVED the ponytail look alot
the only problem is the waves didnt last as long as i would have liked (they were well into falling by yesterday evening), so i will do the set again on Saturday with 8 knots and i PROMISE, promise, promise i will post the pics

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Yay! Thanks Jainygirl- I'm looking forward to it!

I would like to see yours too MindTwister!
Well ladies, they didnt turn out nice at all, no or little waves. But the reason is that I had to take them out too early because I needed to go somewhere and my hair was still damp. I didnt wanna go out with those on my head, I looked horrible & people would have probably been staring at me loool . I'm doin them again tonite before going to sleep and this time on dry hair. No matter how it turns out tomorrow, I'll be posting pics so be on checking back tomorrow ladies. Have a good nite y all, going back to typer my history paper
wildflower, your hair looks gorgeous, very shiny and soft. I am going to wash my hair and put it in bantu knots on Thursday hopefully friday morning I'll have cute wavy hair. I can't wait to see my results. Do you use any special oils/cream before putting them in the bantu knots? I had tried flat twists a few times and my hair always came out frizzy and not soft or shiny.
Ok Ladies I dont know what is it I am doing wrong but when I tried it again, after spending like 12 hours with those knots on my head, still there was no waves to be found when I took them down.... Could it be because I did it on dry hair?
MindTwister said:
Ok Ladies I dont know what is it I am doing wrong but when I tried it again, after spending like 12 hours with those knots on my head, still there was no waves to be found when I took them down.... Could it be because I did it on dry hair?

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Probably. I have done this style and I do it on my wet hair. It gets very curly! I like that I get the curl, but I don't love how it looks in the front (my hair is shorter in the front because I had a bang). So I usually tie a band in the front.
i came up on this style by accident while i was transitioning last summer. I applied elasta qp penetrating moisturizing spray all over my hair and put for little buns in and went to sleep. In the morning I undid the buns and I had nice waves. I want to try it on damp hair after shampooing though and see how it looks when it is completely dry, cause the elasta qp spray keeps your hair damp. wildflower you hair is pretty.
Hey ladies.... I took pics of my attempts at bantu knots. As u will be able to see I suck BIG TIME at doing those... Still cant figure out what I am doing wrong. I dont have a nice wavy pattern. Anyways... here is the link to my pic album:
I am thinking about trying this Friday night and see how it comes out. What does everyone put on their hair before setting it? Thanks in advance
I have just started trying this but I have to do this and take them out while my hair is still damp or do it and twist it dry. Otherwise the curls are WAYY too tight and I look like Annie. If they are too tight I just throw it in a ponytail It looks really cute like that. I think if I had longer hair I could do it wet because then even though the curls are really tight they would hang a little. But this style makes my hair look SO short.

Wildflower I can't see your Bantu knot pictures. Are they gone? I can see your album but no knot pictures.