BANNED!!!!! (Not in this church) *yoga spinoff*

Blossssom said:
You could be right. I would have to re-read Ecclesiates again to be sure but for now, I'll take your word on it.

I still struggle with David being a man after "God's own heart"... HOW?

A murderer, adulterer, *peeping Tom*? Most people aren't that today!

I can't see it.

Hard to believe. I know. But God looks at the whole picture, not just the moments where we allow human nature to overtake us. David is just a perfect example of how we can mess up badly, really badly, but once our errors are brought to our attention and we repent and re-commit to God, then great things can happen for us. Remember Davids turning point was when after the incedent with Bathsheba the prophet Nathan came to him and revealed waht he had done. David repented on the spot when he saw what he had done. He still had a price to pay, but in the end he did honor God.
II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

If its in the bible its there for a reason. Solomon was the one chosen to build Gods temple and is the one who asked God for wisdom. God rewarded him with wisdom and material wealth. Solomon did fall in his old age, and his life serves as an example of what can happen to someone, to anyone, no matter how close they were to the will of God. God, all knowing, knew from the beginning what Solomon would do, just as he knows what we will do. No man is perfect, thats why we worship God, not man.

To listen to people today you would think that all people did was stay on their knees worshiping God and herding sheep. Books like the Song of Solomon celebrates the relationship of a man and a woman and also gives a glimpse into the other facets of Solomons life. Its a very entertaining read. :)

Back on topic: The list of things you mentioned sounds very legalistic to me and we have been freed from this type of bondage. We need balance in all things. The old testament scripture in the bible referring to apparel basically said women should not dress like men nor men like women. Neither sex wore pants, everyone wore robes, as pants were not part of their dress at that time. I basically believe it is a cultural thing. In our culture pants do not signify you are male, although once it could have, which is where those stipulations probably came from. That is also old testament, and we are not held to the strict letter of the old testament law. New testament: I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. (NIV, 1 Timothy 2:9-10)

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. (NIV, 1 Peter 3:2-5)

This doesnt mean you cannot wear jewelry or expensive clothes, just that you should know where your true beauty lies, and it is not in your outward appearance, but you inner deeds and spirit. You need to be beautiful inside.

If you are being led by God to modify your behavior or dress do so. You dont need a list of rules and regulations for every little thing. God DOES provide individual guidance.

Lets keep this topic civil ladies.
good2uuuu said:
I have to disagree with you here Blossom. Yes, Solomon did let his wisdom draw him away from God, but in the end, he came full circle. If you read Ecclesiaties, you will find that after all those years, Solomon realised the errors of his ways and imparts wonderful words of wisdom and warning not to follow the same path. The only way God would have disowned him is if he were not repentant, and he was repentant. Plus look at David, Solomons father. He was a murderer and adulterer, but God still called him a man after His own heart because of the spiritual growth and ultimate total committment to his God. We can't throw out certain books of the Bible because the authors were sinful human beings who made mistakes and fell. They got up again.

True :) :)
good2uuuu said:
Hard to believe. I know. But God looks at the whole picture, not just the moments where we allow human nature to overtake us. David is just a perfect example of how we can mess up badly, really badly, but once our errors are brought to our attention and we repent and re-commit to God, then great things can happen for us. Remember Davids turning point was when after the incedent with Bathsheba the prophet Nathan came to him and revealed waht he had done. David repented on the spot when he saw what he had done. He still had a price to pay, but in the end he did honor God.

Thank You!! :)
Enchantmt said:

I didn't come in here to argue. In fact, I'm not supposed to be on the Christian thread anyway.

But I will say this, mistakes are when you know something is wrong and do it regardless of that knowledge.

And sure, David got up again, but I still struggle with how can he be a man after "God's own heart" but yet lusts after a woman not his own?

Where's the mistake in that? Taking also in account that the Bible is highly symbolic.

I understand Good2U's points, though, and they are good :)
Blossssom said:
I didn't come in here to argue. In fact, I'm not supposed to be on the Christian thread anyway.

But I will say this, mistakes are when you know something is wrong and do it regardless of that knowledge.

And sure, David got up again, but I still struggle with how can he be a man after "God's own heart" but yet lusts after a woman not his own?

Where's the mistake in that? Taking also in account that the Bible is highly symbolic.

I understand Good2U's points, though, and they are good :)

David was still made of flesh and blood and the flesh is weak. Christians struggle with the flesh everyday. We are still after "God's own heart".
JenJen2721 said:
David was still made of flesh and blood and the flesh is weak. Christians struggle with the flesh everyday. We are still after "God's own heart".

Okay... I'm not a Christian, but yet I don't struggle with sex. I haven't had sex in I don't know WHEN!

It's been a very long time. And it's not because I'm religious or anything, but because I can't find anyone worthy of my body or my time.

I just don't understand why Christians struggle so much with sex!

David was a greedy man. More money, more gold, more women, more everything. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway, thinking it would go un-noticed.

Foolish him. I simply will never understand how people allow their bodies to control their MINDS, opposed to the other way around. It's all about choice, you know?
Blossssom said:
Okay... I'm not a Christian, but yet I don't struggle with sex. I haven't had sex in I don't know WHEN!

It's been a very long time. And it's not because I'm religious or anything, but because I can't find anyone worthy of my body or my time.

I just don't understand why Christians struggle so much with sex!

David was a greedy man. More money, more gold, more women, more everything. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway, thinking it would go un-noticed.

Foolish him. I simply will never understand how people allow their bodies to control their MINDS, opposed to the other way around. It's all about choice, you know?

Just because you don't struggle with sex, doesn't mean you don't have any struggles. You're still a human being right? Do you do everything right? Never do anything wrong?
JenJen2721 said:
Just because you don't struggle with sex, doesn't mean you don't have any struggles. You're still a human being right? Do you do everything right? Never do anything wrong?

No, that's not true. I struggle with having to go to work every day, when I did work.

I struggle with having to go to school twice a week, but I'm almost through. But then I'll have to WORK again.

I struggle not to blow my horn at people in my way while driving.

Yea, I struggle, too... we all do...
BTW, are you dating someone right now??? Sometimes you don't think about sex if you're not in a close situation with someone of the opposite sex and if you are dating someone and refraining, perhaps you can offer some positive comments on the celibacy thread. :yep:

Seriously...I didn't think about sex at all until I started dating someone seriously. If I was just single, I didn't think about sex at all.
Blossssom said:
No, that's not true. I struggle with having to go to work every day, when I did work.

I struggle with having to go to school twice a week, but I'm almost through. But then I'll have to WORK again.

I struggle not to blow my horn at people in my way while driving.

Yea, I struggle, too... we all do...


Road rage is a struggle with the flesh, imho. You may see it differently.
JenJen2721 said:
I wish I could find more Christian women that wore their hair natural. :( No offense to anyone, but it seems like a lot of natural women (not all) are into their own "spirtuality". :(

That is definitely not me. My hair does not define me, my beliefs do.
Im a member of a holiness church well a pentecostal church which is like a holiness church.

And for can wear your natural, even though most people are pressed or relaxed, but no one looks down on it. I guess we break the rules anyways because we now have a woman pastor.
Blossssom said:
David was a greedy man. More money, more gold, more women, more everything. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway, thinking it would go un-noticed.

And where is THAT in the Bible?! :lachen::lachen: Are you kidding me?

You're just saying stuff to get a rise. I'm not even going to respond to that.

HA! :lachen:
JuJuBoo said:
And where is THAT in the Bible?! :lachen::lachen: Are you kidding me?

You're just saying stuff to get a rise. I'm not even going to respond to that.

HA! :lachen:

Um no... read it for yourself. I don't make up stuff when it comes to the Bible... in fact, I don't make up anything! LOL! :)
hottopic said:
I was reading the list too and stopped at natural hair. That on just did not make any sense to me, but ok. That is band by man or the chruch not the book. He know who we are and no man is our judge. But sure is funny though :lachen: :lachen:

How could it be a curse when the new testament states that Jesus had "hair like wool" so I guess he was cursed then too :huh:?
aquarian1252004 said:
How could it be a curse when the new testament states that Jesus had "hair like wool" so I guess he was cursed then too :huh:?

Whose natural hair are they talking about anyway? Black people's? Black/white people's? Black/Latino or Black/Asian people's? How about non-black people, period? Can they wear their hair "natural"?

Better yet, to really simplify it, what hair type of natural hair is banned? Can you wear your hair natural if you are a "1" or a "2"? How about "3"? See...

I wouldn't step foot in that church if I was a "1" or an "11"!
Blossssom said:
Um no... read it for yourself. I don't make up stuff when it comes to the Bible... in fact, I don't make up anything! LOL! :)

VERSES please!! I'm dying to know what you're using to support your stance!
JuJuBoo said:
VERSES please!! I'm dying to know what you're using to support your stance!

The Word almighty! :)

I'll try and look them up this week, if someone doesn't beat me to the task.
I just thought of something...if the women can't wear their hair natural because in Africa, they weren't practicing Christianity and they want to separate themselves from that...what if an Asian person from a historically Buddhist place was apart of the congregation? Would they have to get a curly perm to separate themselves from their non-Christian culture? lol!
JuJuBoo said:
I eagerly await..... :D

JuJu :wave:
I'm by no means a Bible scholar, but I know that David had multiple wives all the same time. I remember the story of him lusting after Bathsheba (sp?) who was a married woman and he even had her husband killed because he wanted her for himself. That's just one example though. I'll try to look it up for you :)
I'm still stuck on the "no natural hair" thing. I am a Christian, Religion was one of my majors in college, and I attend church every Sunday with my family of my own volition. I don't think having natural hair prevents me from being close to God in any way, nor do I think having natural hair is something to be ashamed of. God made me this way, in his image, and for a reason. I think we should all remember that religion is a man-made institution, and in its best form was created to glorify God, but because it is man-made, men do get carried away and having a sense of power does strange things to people. I think those rules listed are a good example of those strange things that occur from having a sense of power over others.

And, as far as the mentions of Solomon and David--maybe God used them as an example of the changes he can make in people's lives. They were people dealing with temptations that are not uncommon now, and while they lived lives that weren't in accordance with what God would want for us, He showed us through their lives that even the most revered individual (as far as their society at that time) is the same to Him as the most common sinner. They did their thing, reaped the consequences of their actions, and through free will turned their lives back over to God.
mkh_77 said:
And, as far as the mentions of Solomon and David--maybe God used them as an example of the changes he can make in people's lives. They were people dealing with temptations that are not uncommon now, and while they lived lives that weren't in accordance with what God would want for us, He showed us through their lives that even the most revered individual (as far as their society at that time) is the same to Him as the most common sinner. They did their thing, reaped the consequences of their actions, and through free will turned their lives back over to God.

Um hmmm... agreed. Someone pointed that out to me a few posts back and I could understand that being the case.

We can learn from the bad choices of others and the repercussions.
Camille429 said:
JuJu :wave:
I'm by no means a Bible scholar, but I know that David had multiple wives all the same time. I remember the story of him lusting after Bathsheba (sp?) who was a married woman and he even had her husband killed because he wanted her for himself. That's just one example though. I'll try to look it up for you :)

oh no DOUBT! David did WRONG! WROOONG!!!

But he still DID repent and went after God with everything he had. David had a FIRM understand of who God was, and who HE (David) was in the eyes of God. For THAT reason, I believe David was called "a man after God's own heart." He understood who God was, and TRUST when he released the height of his sin, he REPENTED!
JuJuBoo said:
oh no DOUBT! David did WRONG! WROOONG!!!

But he still DID repent and went after God with everything he had. David had a FIRM understand of who God was, and who HE (David) was in the eyes of God. For THAT reason, I believe David was called "a man after God's own heart." He understood who God was, and TRUST when he released the height of his sin, he REPENTED!

I still cry over what happened to poor Uriah... if only he had gone home and slept with his wife, none of this would have happened *sniff*
CatSuga said:
What are some things that are banned/taboo/not allowed in your church?

Worldly things banned by the Holiness Church (Shelby County, AL): dancing, card playing, wearing natural hair, woman on top, lip gloss, pants, thongs, bright colored cars, no radio on sunday, baby showers for unwed mothers, parties, selling/fundrasing, red fingernal polish, Halloween
dancing: eccl 3:4, Matt 11:17, Matt 14:6 Ex 32:19 Ps30:11, psalms 149:3, 2 Samuel 16:14 Davids dancing before the Lord was a form of praise there are more i'm moving on though

-the issue is not with the dance but with the intent of the dancer

natural hair: its God given, God tries the heart, if holding on to natural hair is being afrocentric so is holding on to our black sin so we should bleach it, werent the Europeans pagans b4 they found about Jesus

woman on top: Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable among all and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

I take this to mean sex among the married is right with God is right from the front back sideways whatever. Sex outside of marriage front back sideways is sinful and will be judged. it never says that sex is for baby making only. i feel like sex between the married is a Gift from God if not why would it be so pleasurable?

pants: Deut 22:5 women shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment:for all that do so are a abomination unto ther Lord thy God; I dont see pants mentioned 2tim 2:9 women are to wear modest apparel; pants are not mentioned
the bible says dont wear clothes meant for men. women wearing pants made for women are wearing womens apparel, men werent wearing pants then anyways folks were basically wearing dresses i mean there were no splits between the legs so call it a dress a tunic or whatever it wasnt pants

thongs: people were girding themselves in them days and from what i have seen as far as historical dress when Jesus did the foot washing he was girded in a towel. now the way it is shown in many pics it looks like a thong to me!!! cant believe everything in pics but this is just an example
-why is a church preacher or anyone concerned with whats up my butt? tell me a bible reference to thongs and i will reconsider

bright colored cars why are any cars allowed Jesus strolled in on a wild donkey they should sell all of the cars and get Jackasses

selling/fundraisers: Matt 21:12 i dont mind this being banned in the sanctuary remember jesus threw out the money changers i dont think its wrong to fundraise for the church though, the sanctuary is supposed to be a Holy palce for worship

no radio on sunday: first of all sunday has no significance as far as holy days the sabboth is from friday evening when it gets dark to saturday evening when it gets dark. why limit it to the radio i say they should include all technology and electricity including cars oh no stove or microwave either

i'm exhausted i'll leave the rest alone

i'm not a member at the church i attend so i'm not sure about things banned but i don know they had an announcement from the health ministry "Natural body vs Modern body" pastor said after that announcement that he needed a rating g pg pg13 or r before they came up in there showin their natural bodies or modern bodies LOL

---i was typing fast so if any of my scriptural references are wrong please correct me
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So I guess the men are wearing conks or jheri curls? Or does the natural hair thing only affect the women?