BANNED!!!!! (Not in this church) *yoga spinoff*


New Member
What are some things that are banned/taboo/not allowed in your church?

Worldly things banned by the Holiness Church (Shelby County, AL): dancing, card playing, wearing natural hair, woman on top, lip gloss, pants, thongs, bright colored cars, no radio on sunday, baby showers for unwed mothers, parties, selling/fundrasing, red fingernal polish, Halloween

Yall, I almost DIED when I heard about the lip gloss banning. :lachen:
The belief is that lip gloss makes your lips look too sexual and when men look at your thick, bright, shiny, luciously wet brings about lustful thoughts of the female giving him oral sex. Lip gloss is a tool of Jezebel to lead men astray and causes young girls to become victims of sexual harrassment.
Another thing that is banned in the Holiness church and most Baptist churches is women sitting on the front pews of the church; that is VERY distracting to the pastor and deacons.
Also the issue of dancing didn't sit too well with me. Alot of Christians don't go to clubs so as an alternative some Christain youth groups (in AL) are promoting "Christian Salsa Night". You come eat, pray, and dance at the church. :) It sounds all good and clean to me. Yet, some people believe that this activity is sinful, simply because it is dancing.

Anway, these are just some of the things that are banned in my family's churches. Do you think there is any basis for any of these rules?
Blossssom said:
Natural HAIR? Tell me you're joking! LOL!


The reason being behind the banning of natural hair is because (this is the belief of the Holiness church and some Christians) wearing natural hair is cleaving to things that are "Afrocentric".
Christians are not endulge in Afrocentric things: hair, dress, funiture, names, because the majority of African culture is pagan and Christianity delivered us from the uncivilized ways of the "bush". Women in the Holiness church were asked to stop wearing Afrocentric dresses to church because it was considered pagan dress and deemed disrespectful in the House of the Lord.
dontspeakdefeat said:
I am stunned on the natural hair thing too! This is the hair that we are born with right??

LOL! :)

Boy, that sure is teaching our young girls a lot of SELF-HATE!
dontspeakdefeat said:
This is the hair that we are born with right??

According to some black folk (and their churchs) our hair is supposed to be a curse. :lachen: They interpreted that out of Gen. 9:20-27 too. :lachen:
I grew up in an independent baptist church...and alot of things were frowned on including alot of things you was like if you played cards and they weren't a deck of old maid...then you were going to hell. Then the old maid cards became an that shows you everything was scrutinized. Also, women were not to wear pants nor shorts..only culottes. Like if you saw a classmate or church member in jeans, the next day that was HOT gossip among your friends and mates. One time, my mom invited our neighbor to church with her and they saw she had on pants...they almost broke their necks trying to get to her to tell her that "she was not welcome in her attire and that it was inappropriate". Your hair was your glory and women with short hair was frowned upon. No dancing, no parties (if you wanted a get together, it's called a fellowship---and that consisted of basically finger food and everyone sitting around and listen to the co-pastor/principal tell stale jokes :ohwell: ), no red polish or lipstick (this was considered a sign of a harlot), oh my goodness the list can go on. And yes on Sunday...all we could do is go to church in the morning, come home eat , take a nap and go to church again and then come home and get ready for your next day. NO radio..etc. But once we moved from this placed and onto a Southern Baptist church things changed...I saw people in the church with jeans and polos...I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I personally don't agree with alot of the things I initially grew up with now, because I feel that alot of things were overboard...wait, I'll finish this in a bit...I gotta run
I was reading the list too and stopped at natural hair. That on just did not make any sense to me, but ok. That is band by man or the chruch not the book. He know who we are and no man is our judge. But sure is funny though :lachen: :lachen:
if god didnt want us to have kinky hair, he wouldnt of given it to us, thats crazy. that would seriously lead me away fromt hat church. seems like a form of racism to me
CatSuga said:
Worldly things banned by the Holiness Church (Shelby County, AL): dancing, card playing, wearing natural hair, woman on top, lip gloss, pants, thongs, bright colored cars, no radio on sunday, baby showers for unwed mothers, parties, selling/fundrasing, red fingernal polish, Halloween

Some of these rules are a bit Extreme. It's 2005 & some churches actually live by these rules,their lives must be grand! :rolleyes:

It sounds more like man made rules, not actually references from the Bible, then again some people misinterpret the Bible way too often.

This "Holiness Church" doesnt seem like a Church at all, its like their saying follow these rules or else your not welcomed here, its almost judgmental it is to a certain extent.
I wish I could find more Christian women that wore their hair natural. :( No offense to anyone, but it seems like a lot of natural women (not all) are into their own "spirtuality". :(
JenJen2721 said:
I wish I could find more Christian women that wore their hair natural. :( No offense to anyone, but it seems like a lot of natural women (not all) are into their own "spirtuality". :(

not this one babe ;)
weaveitup said:
i just saw the "woman on top" thing

uh...whats that about?

A lot of "orthodox" Christians believe sex is for procreation only.

The only acceptable position is "missionary". I wonder why they call it that, huh?

Heehee :)
A friend of mine came from a Holiness church...she happens to be from Alabama too, but B'ham. Although she was very religious/spiritual, she didn't take it that far. I don't know though since we were in college and church was far far far away, lol! She did wear skirts daily though as per her religion.
Blossssom said:
A lot of "orthodox" Christians believe sex is for procreation only.

The only acceptable position is "missionary". I wonder why they call it that, huh?

Heehee :)

I'll never understand how Christian's could say sex is for procration only. They must COMPLETELY skip over the Song of Solomon. Either that or ignore it. :mad:
JuJuBoo said:
I'll never understand how Christian's could say sex is for procration only. They must COMPLETELY skip over the Song of Solomon. Either that or ignore it. :mad:

I wouldn't pay attention to anything Solomon said. He was an idol worshipper. Don't listen to him.

Solomon allowed women to overtake his love for God and for that reason he FELL!
hairmaster said:
penticastal? woman are not allowed to were pants or cut their hair.

Um hmmm... I think I mentioned this before (not today) but my deceased uncle ran a Penecostal church and all the women had long, beautiful hair.

Growing up, we visited that church often and whenever my dad said we were going, the first thing that came to my mind was those ladies' hair!

Long, thick and beautiful! :)
weaveitup said:
where is the song of solomon? im interested in reading it :)

I think it's after Proverbs...

Solomon even played the COLOR card in the Songs of Solomon. Again, don't listen to him. God disowned Solomon when he turned his back on Him!

Big mistake!
Blossssom said:
I wouldn't pay attention to anything Solomon said. He was an idol worshipper. Don't listen to him.

Solomon allowed women to overtake his love for God and for that reason he FELL! bout to start sumthan' up in here.
Blossssom said:
I think it's after Proverbs...

Solomon even played the COLOR card in the Songs of Solomon. Again, don't listen to him. God disowned Solomon when he turned his back on Him!

Big mistake!


Are you a Christian?
Blossssom said:
I think it's after Proverbs...

Solomon even played the COLOR card in the Songs of Solomon. Again, don't listen to him. God disowned Solomon when he turned his back on Him!

Big mistake!

I have to disagree with you here Blossom. Yes, Solomon did let his wisdom draw him away from God, but in the end, he came full circle. If you read Ecclesiaties, you will find that after all those years, Solomon realised the errors of his ways and imparts wonderful words of wisdom and warning not to follow the same path. The only way God would have disowned him is if he were not repentant, and he was repentant. Plus look at David, Solomons father. He was a murderer and adulterer, but God still called him a man after His own heart because of the spiritual growth and ultimate total committment to his God. We can't throw out certain books of the Bible because the authors were sinful human beings who made mistakes and fell. They got up again.
good2uuuu said:
I have to disagree with you here Blossom. Yes, Solomon did let his wisdom draw him away from God, but in the end, he came full circle. If you read Ecclesiaties, you will find that after all those years, Solomon realised the errors of his ways and imparts wonderful words of wisdom and warning not to follow the same path. The only way God would have disowned him is if he were not repentant, and he was repentant. Plus look at David, Solomons father. He was a murderer and adulterer, but God still called him a man after His own heart because of the spiritual growth and ultimate total committment to his God. We can't throw out certain books of the Bible because the authors were sinful human beings who made mistakes and fell. They got up again.

You could be right. I would have to re-read Ecclesiates again to be sure but for now, I'll take your word on it.

I still struggle with David being a man after "God's own heart"... HOW?

A murderer, adulterer, *peeping Tom*? Most people aren't that today!

I can't see it.