Bang, Bang She Shot Me Down.


Well-Known Member
As most of you know I lost my hair to my incurable rare cancer. I have been wearing a hair scarf for about 9 years now. From BSL to less than half an inch with large bald spots. But I did manage to take care of it when it started to grow back. With the help of the ladies of LHCF. My doctors at MSKCC told me it would take a long time for my hair to regrow. I wear my scarf 24/7.

Fast forward to the other day. I tried to flat iron 2 of my back braids. It came out seriously fuzzy. But I was proud! Those 2 braids were about neck length!

I cried.

Then I ran upstairs (with my scarf on-I never leave home without it) to show my friend. Now she is only 1 of three people who know my situation. You ladies of LHCF are included in the 3. Her reaction to my hair growth was "Your hair always looks like that".

I went home, crushed. But I never let her know how her comment hurt knowing my battle to grow some hair.
The very front of my hair has an area the size of my palm with bald spots and some very soft growing hair.

Nine years. Nine fricking years! I would not wish this on anyone.

All I can say is..I'm trying, ladies.

fletgee leaves the room.
That is very insensitive & being your friend she should have compassion & be more courteous of your situation. I don't blame you. I would feel some type of way about her & sharing things with her from now on.

I DO think you should have a talk with her regarding how the comment she made about your hair made you ashamed of your hair growth process.

Best of luck & hang in there!
Her reaction to my hair growth was "Your hair always looks like that".

I went home, crushed. But I never let her know how her comment hurt knowing my battle to grow some hair.
The very front of my hair has an area the size of my palm with bald spots and some very soft growing hair.

Nine years. Nine fricking years! I would not wish this on anyone.

All I can say is..I'm trying, ladies.

fletgee leaves the room.

Well, first of all, ***. her. Second of all, you better rock your neck length, girl! Even if you only take your scarf off in the house, you betta rock the hell out of it! Fluff it up to cover the spots and play Diana Ross in your house. Don't let *nobody* steal your joy. We fight too hard to find some.

*hugs @fletgee and sprinkles 'You grow, girl!' fairy dust all about*
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I'm a glass half-full person (most of the time). You could look at it this way. She was telling you your hair has always looked that good to her. You know sometimes we are the last person to recognize our progress. Other people notice but some people just don't talk about it. I hope she was not intentionally being mean or trying to steal your joy! I hope she was trying to tell you that your hair has been looking good for awhile but you are just now realizing it.

Hang in there Girl. We got you.:grouphug2:

We know the struggle is real.

You know you can always count on us and we are always proud of even what others might see as 'the little things'. I know I am.:yep:

In this life, we cannot take anything for granted, but in all things give thanks.

Praying for your total & complete recovery.
I'm hoping that as a true "friend" it just came out wrong. Either way congrats! I was happy for you as soon as I read you made it to neck length. You just be happy with what you achieved and don't even worry about her. Next time you see her pull out a mirror and bask in your glory. Continue to show her you're proud. Do your happy dance!
@fletgee, your sisters of LHCF rejoice in your victory because we get it. We understand the joys of seeing growth, be it a little or a lot. We understand the excitement of buying a new hair product. We understand the happiness deep conditioning makes us feel on wash day. Most don't get it because hair is not their thing, thus they don't know quite what to say to be encouraging. Because we get it, we rejoice with you! You should treat yourself to something nice because you deserve it for hitting a big milestone. A new deep conditioner always makes me feel good. Prayers go out to you for strength and total healing.

Oh and as for your friend, let her know you were excited to share your moment with her but she sucked the happiness right out of it with her reaction.