Ballet Bun's New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....



Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

. . . pillow cases . ..well ... because I'm still too vain to sleep with a cap or scarf. I'm actually having a lot of fun doing this. I can't wait to get to the fabric store to get some more satin.

Here's the link to the pictures of 2 that I have made. Don't be impressed by the embroidery, because my sewing machine does all the work and I just sit back and watch ... well, I do have to lift a finger to change the thread! I'm going to get some elastic out and make some scrunchies and headbands this week. I'll post those pictures too.

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

Good for you!
Because I am such a light sleeper, I cannot sleep with anything tight around my head, and if I wear a loose cap, it always ends up somewhere in my bed. Silk and satin pillowcases do it for me.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

I want to try out using a satin pillow in the summer. It gets too hot to sleep with a cap on...and I am also a rough sleeper. Maybe I should learn how to sew one day...but I'm too lazy i guess.
Ballet bun, and Jessy just checked out your hair photos. Your hair looks beautiful and healthy.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

I'm quite lazy myself, but i do wear my scarf at night and sometimes I'll even put a satin bonnet ontop of my scarf.
Ballet Bun, you are very creative and if I sewed I'd probably go that route too
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ...

Thanks! I'm going to try and make it to the fabric store this weekend. I want to make a lavender one with ruffles around the edges, and embroider the moon on it or something else.

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ...

I love those pillow cases!!!! You did a great job. I'd better get to the fabric store this week.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

I am so jealous. I had to go out and buy my satin pillowcase. If I had your skill maybe I could quit my day job.
I had been following this board for months and I hope you are recovering from surgery. I missed your posts when you were gone and by the way your hair is looking good. I love your progress pics. You are an inspiration.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

Ballet Ben, you're very creative. Those pillow cases look great. I've been wanting to purchase a sewing machine, but I've never sewn anything in my life. Which one do you have?
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

brickhouse: Thank you! I've pretty much recovered from the surgery, but I'm sore again in that area again. Where I had the largest incision, there's an unsightly keloid. I may have it removed though ... aschhh!

Armyqt: I have a Husqvarna sewing machine, "The Rose". It does embroidery too. Actually, it's not that difficult to make the pillow cases. I just used an old pillow case to cut out the peices.

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

How about satin covered hair accessories? I wanted to do french rolls as protective hairstyles but the sponge type gray tube they sell at the beauty supply shop pulls out your hair just like a sponge roller would. so i was thinking that you can take satin and cover it. I have one of those ten dollar sewing machines and i may find some old black satin and do that.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

Love the machine. When I grow up can I be like you? I will be going to the fabric today.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

lakettab said:
How about satin covered hair accessories? I wanted to do french rolls as protective hairstyles but the sponge type gray tube they sell at the beauty supply shop pulls out your hair just like a sponge roller would. so i was thinking that you can take satin and cover it. I have one of those ten dollar sewing machines and i may find some old black satin and do that.

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lakettab ... you know, that's actually a good idea. I used to use that "sponge thing" for a french twist, but didn't like the idea of having something so drying in my hair. BUT ... I use a sock for such things sometimes ... but that too still sucks up the moisture in your hair.

Thanks for the idea!!!!

Ballet Bun ,,,
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

i couldn't view it (something wrong with my browser), but i'm sure your satin pillowcases look wonderful. i just sewed a satin pillowcase by hand a few days ago and it's mad cute if i say so myself.
i'm thinking about purchasing a real cheap sewing machine so i can make more pillow cases (one isn't enough . . .
) and other cute hair things (like scarves, pony tail holders, etc.).

question; how long does it take you to create your pillow cases ? ? ? a sistah was struggling by hand for at least 3 hours to make hers.
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

deeplyrooted said:
question; how long does it take you to create your pillow cases ? ? ? a sistah was struggling by hand for at least 3 hours to make hers.

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-- It doesn't take long at all to sew all the peices together. Maybe it takes 30min. tops, because of the ironing. But with the embroidary, it takes forever. Some designs take 7 minutes and other over 10 minutes, and if there's more than one colour, then I have to change the thread.

I can't believe you did yours by hand. You must have a lot of patience!!!!

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Ballet Bun\'s New Hair Hobby: Making Satin ....

deeplyrooted said:
i couldn't view it (something wrong with my browser), but i'm sure your satin pillowcases look wonderful.

[/ QUOTE ]


A Husqvarna sewing machine.
Thanks for sharing!