Baggying Gone Wrong?! Please help...


New Member
So I decided that my hair needed more moisture and I decided to try bagging my ends for the first time. So last night I moistened the ends with Profectives Anti-Breakage, put my ends in a bag and went to bed. When I got up this morning my hair was moist (not wet) so I put the bag back on my ends, ponytailed my hair and put on my phony pony.

I get home today and combed my hair out and YIKES there were quite a few hairs in my combs. Did I over-moisturize? Use the wrong moisturizer? I'm mortified. My hair is already too short for my liking I cant afford to lose any more hair.

I'm going to go and have whats left of my ends clipped and see what I'm working with now. I just dont want to make the same mistake again. I want to go forward not backwards.:wallbash:

Sorry to hear about that. My first few times baggying weren't all that successful either, but now I can't get enough of it!

Some people can only baggy for a limited amount of time (overnight, while at work, etc) Once I tried baggying for a whole day and the results weren't pretty when I took that baggy off :ohwell:

Anywho, the problem could have been that your hair can't handle the baggy that long. Or it could be that your hair isn't too fond of Anti-Breakage. Have you ever used it before you baggied with it that one time? Or maybe you could have used too much? Was your hair even the slightest bit damp or wet when you took the baggy off?
might want to try a light oil or something that will not have mineral oil or petroleum in it. and baggy for a lesser period of time.
good luck!
I hope it works out for you! Baggying did not go well for me :(
I try to find other ways to keep my ends moisturized now.
Wish I could give you THE answer but I cannot. I baggy infrequently on those nights when I feel I need added moisture or when I intend to shampoo the next morning. I know someone can help you out with this problem..perhaps it was the wrong product to baggy with. I use moisture laden products such as cholesterols on my baggy nights-not strengthening as I think Profectives is.
I baggy and I love it. If I read your thread correctly you said you baggied all day, then removed it and proceded to comb your ends. I would not reccomend combing the hair after baggying because the hair is moist. Next time you baggy (and I hope there is a next time) try waiting for 1/2 an hour before combing the ends to let the hair dry a little. Your ends are fragile and moist/wet. I hope this helped. Sometime when I baggy I don't put any moisturizing products in my hair. The hair under the baggy does the job.
Baggying did not work for me. I had the same results as you did. My hair is fine & doesn't like that type of moisture so I gave it up.
I baggy and I love it. If I read your thread correctly you said you baggied all day, then removed it and proceded to comb your ends. I would not reccomend combing the hair after baggying because the hair is moist. Next time you baggy (and I hope there is a next time) try waiting for 1/2 an hour before combing the ends to let the hair dry a little. Your ends are fragile and moist/wet. I hope this helped. Sometime when I baggy I don't put any moisturizing products in my hair. The hair under the baggy does the job.

I think I will take a piece of advice from all of you ladies. I will give it another go and use less (or no) product and see what happens. If its a bust again, I'll have to search the boards again for another option for moisture. Thanks.
Too much moisture was your problem. I did this and because of me doing it incorrectly, I suffered almost a one inch setback. I went from SL to just grazing it again. :(

When done correctly, it serves its purpose. When done the wrong way=setback.