Baggy Method


New Member
I have read all the threads on the Baggy Method and I am confused? :confused: I hope someone can help me.

1. Can you baggy with short hair?
2. Do you condition the hair every night and if so what do you do in the morning? Does it have to be washsed out?
3. Can the hair be wrapped while baggying (as I wrap my hair every night)?
4. Is there a special conditioner that needs to be used.
5. What is EVOO? And where can it be purchased?
6. What are the benefits of this method and does it promote hair growth.

Sorry if I seem a lil confused but I am new and in information overload and have tried understanding this methog, but it seems like you have to have a pony tail to do this.

Any feedback is appreciated.

I washin ,condition,whatever else needed
airdry to 80% dry
pull back in a ponytail neatly not too tight
plait it up or leave the ponytail loose
add oil to the bag just a little
make the baggy method dress it up so cute
leave it like this until next washday (7 days)
may hair surprise me everytime how much its grown i started out with earlobe lenght hair now look at it now.
I just put in a new section in my hair site about the baggie method. Not sure how long your hair is but it may be helpful since it has pictures.