Bad Hair Days! (Random) vent...


Well-Known Member
Ok this probably should have gone on the off topic forum. But anyways, I was coming home from college and my mom hates my hair in a ponytail so I was like ok Im going to wear it down for about 2 days. I flat ironed it using serum and the serum DRIED my hair out! My mom STILL said my hair looked like crap and asked me about 8 times "when are you going to get your hair done?" So I said forget it and TRIED to put my hair in a ponytail. I had to use about HALF the bottle of NTM leave in before my hair got soft!:mad: That serum REALLY REALLY dried my hair out. So I finally got it in the bun and all this hair fell out, it really felt like I had some pump it up spritz on my hair. So then once I put it in the bun, my SO said that it looked like I had a dog :censored: on my head! That's ok, they'll see!:mad: :whip:
sorry to hear about your bad hair day:mad:
what kind of serum did you use...must have been full of -cones to dry your hair out...
I'm sorry this happened to you. I only use serum on top of a teeny bit of NTM leave-in, but I don't flat iron so I don't know if that's a big help.