Bad-Hair Day? you Are Not Alone

Junebug D

Well-Known Member
Cute article I found. Glad to know I'm not the only one who's crazy. :spinning:


MANE MISERY | 44% of women say their mood is worse when their 'do just doesn't behave

Bad-hair days are bad news for nearly half the female population, a new national poll says.

"Hair is a big thing for women, and, if it's not behaving, it can be a bit traumatizing," said Lisa Lee Freeman, editor in chief of ShopSmart magazine, which conducted a national telephone poll of 1,031 women. The magazine, published by Consumer Reports, lists women's biggest gripes about their hair:

• Too thin or fine
• Bad color
• Too curly or frizzy
• Too dry or damaged
• Too thick
• Takes too long to style
• Too straight
• Unmanageable
• Going gray
• Falling out

Other findings:
• Women get their hair cut an average of five times a year, at an average annual cost of about $195, or about $39 a cut, not including tip.
• About half of women say they color their hair.
• Of those, about half do their own dye jobs and half get their hair dyed at a salon four times a year, at an average annual cost of $260, or $65 a trip.
• One-fourth of women have cried after getting a haircut.
• About one-third have regretted changing a hairstyle.
• Women wash their hair an average of four times a week.
• Twelve percent said they had drastically changed their hair color after a breakup, job loss or other life-changing event.
It's funny...some of the complaints are:

Too fine, too curly, too thick, too straight...It's almost- we want what we can't have-the grass is always greener on the other side...

Interesting article, thanks OP!
Thanks Junebug D!

it's so nice to know that "i'm not crazy" and that there are facts to back up my misery when my hair is misbehavin'!

and believe me, that would be every single day, given that i am now 13 weeks post, the longest i've ever gone before a touch-up, and planning to stretch to 16 weeks!

not to mention the fact that my damaged/weak hairline and edges give me the brillo pad look because at my last touch up, i barely touched up those areas as to try to save them.

the only thing that's helping is the fact that i'm wet bunning so i rarely have to even "see" much less style my hair.

great thread!