Bad Beauticians


New Member
Ladies, do you have a bad stylist\beautician\baber, etc. Please...tell me your story. (I know they have many threads on this, but I would like to hear your recent experience.)

Mines: Last over the past couple of weeks I have been itches for a haircut\trim. I am approaching my 1 year nappy-anniversary and when I comb my hair I can see more ends breaking off. Soooo, I knew it was time for my 2nd trim this year. (actually 3rd, but I digress :lachen:)

Anyway, I called my stylist -- she is Philippino. (I'm a sista with 4a\b hair). Now, don't get me wrong...this lady can do some ABSOLUTELY BAD A** CUTS! I love her layer style.

Soooo, I called her ~made my appt for the next day (after a dr. appt.) and straightened my hair. She confirmed my appt.

After handling my business I raced up to her shop! I called her 1hr before and got her voicemail. When I got to her shop, she was not in the normal booth that she usually sits in, so I called her again (vm). I'm standing there looking dumbfounded thinking WTF!:ignore:

This lady is soooooo flakly that it hurks the hell out of me. This is the 2nd time that she flaked on me with an appt.

This is now 4 days later and I still haven't heard back from her! Not only is this bad business, but hell -- she is making an enemy out of me :hardslap:. There are plenty of sistahs in this place and I am truly thinking of hitting one of them up!

Soooo after being frustrated because 1. I straighten my hair. (since becoming a natural -- that is not even an option to me. 2. I showed up, and she didn't! which lead to #3. I had to mentally gear myself to go home and trim my own ends. I'm good at it, but not great! As my hair gets longer I prefer to have a professional trim, just in case I do decide to straighten 1 day and go with the style.

Ok, my LHCF Sistah ~~ I'll listening to your input and recent stories.
My braider recently flaked out on me. However, she called the next day and left me a vm. I didn't even bother listening to it bc I was too pissed after showing up at her place waiting 30 minutes for her. I was a new customer and someone on this board recommended her to me. IMO, she should have called/texted me and there is no excuse to make up for that!