I haven't been here in a while.
I have not finished my book but a lot has happened since then. For now, my main concern is my hair. As (most of) you know, I cut my hair very short like the Lark Voorhies avatar under my name. Well it's been six months since I cut my hair, though I didn't leave it short for long. The style required too much maintenance so I began growing my hair out after only two months. I have been wearing braids since April and I have only two measily inches of new growth. I am torn between relaxing my hair and getting a texturizer. I read a few of the back posts and it seems a lot of women are getting texturizers, or at least thinking about it. If I choose to texturize my hair, I will have to cut it into a TWA, (as per Tracy's and Daviine's posts) but I really don't want to do that. If I relax, I will have to get another haircut because the grown out style that I have is very messy looking. No telling how short my hair will be if I get it cut again. I will probably be back at square one. I still want long hair. I guess I am asking for guidance. I don't really know what I want or what will look better on me. All I know is, I am really sick of braids right now. Even more, I hate my messy grown out hair cut and the measily two inches of new growth that makes my messy grown out haircut even more impossible to style! I am in hair limbo right now. So I ask, what influenced your decision to texturize or relax your hair the most? If you are unhappy with your relaxed or texturized hair, why? If you have relaxed hair and want texturized hair, or vice versa, what made you decide this? I am looking for pros and cons. Thank in advance!