Back on the Creamy Crack (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies. I don't post here much but just wanted to show my hair after being natural for over 15 months. I'm not anti Team Natural at all. In fact I still adore natural hair, but for me it was much easier for my lifestyle to return back to relaxers.
I personally do not see much info on ladies who decide to relax their natural hair, so I wanted to start a thread for anyone who may be interested. I'm so excited to grow long healthy relaxed hair again.


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Pretty. Very nice results. I love your hair's color. It's so rich.

What type of relaxer did u use?
Thanx y'all. I love both as well. I was super/crazy/stalkerlike interested in natural hair and after years of debating on Doing the BC jumped right in. I learned so much about myself...and other people. In the end BC made me stronger as a women, being natural made me an inspiration for others, and now being relaxed makes me appreciative for the experience.
OP, I absolutely LOVE your hair both natural and relaxed.

I also returned to relaxers after being natural for a little less than two years. It's easier for me as well. Natural hair is LOTS of work and I just don't have time to devote to it. I wore my hair mostly straight when I was a natural and I was tired of being afraid of reversion all the time. I tried the straightening treatment by Design Essentials, but shortly after I used it my hair began to shed really badly.

I was texlaxed at first, but my hair is fully relaxed now. It was easier for working out. I cut it all off and now I'm sporting a relaxed, short pixie cut.

I don't regret my decision at all.
i agree your hair is gorgeous either way so now it's just a matter of what works best for your lifestyle. I'm sure it will continue to thrive
Your hair looks beautiful both ways. If my hair would stay straight with a relaxer I probably wouldn't mind going back.
beautiful hair. I am someone who's been natural since about 2007 and I decided to texlax about 2 months ago. best decision I could have ever made..I literally neglected my natural hair the past two years because I just didn't want to deal with it. I have very thick 3c/4 a hair..I wish I would have done it sooner
Nice to hear other people had similar experience and have happily relaxed their hair again. In my opinion, the term "natural hair isn't for everyone" is so true. I once viewed that in a very negative way suggesting only loser hair types should wear natural hair (and I'm sure a lot of people use it in that way). However, for me I view it as the amount of commitment it required as it grew longer.
I actually didn't "go back" on it, I was a relaxer virgin before December so I gave natural hair a chance. Not to say I won't ever go back to natural but I so love my texlaxed hair. Though its a learning process I don't spend nearly the amount of time with my processed hair as I did natural. :spinning:
Thanks for starting this thread and sharing pics. I'm thinking about going back to relaxers after transitioning for 6 months and being fully natural 6 months. I'm not sure if I want to relax or try flat ironing my natural hair for a little while. It's nice to know I'm not alone.