Back in the day


Well-Known Member
I am going to have to take it back. Ok, not THAT far back.:lol: About a year and a half ago on this forum, all anyone could talk about was Surge. Surge this, Surge that. Then MTG came on the scene and Surge kind of got left out of the loop. I just want to share my experience with yall and hopefully highlight how Surge has been beneficial to me.

About a year ago I got braids to protect my hair from the winter weather. I surged religiously--didnt really think too much about it. Wasnt really stressing about growth, but I just used it and WGO in place of my braid spray. Took my braids down in the spring to amazing results. In about 3 months, my hair had about 4-5 inches, and I had reached bra strap. I got my hair cut and cellophaned in the summer. Fast forward to this winter. I was experiencing some breakage and got so tired of dealing with my hair that I have gone back to braids. Now I have had them in for about 2 weeks, and just like last year I also bought a bottle of Surge to spray on my scalp. In some areas, especially my crown my hair has GROWN ABOUT 1/4 OF AN INCH already! That is great growth for me. My BF said to me last night, "Your hair is growing really fast, it is starting to look more natural around the edges especially." :lol:

I will keep Surgin and let you ladies know how it goes, but I definitely know that I have seen great results in the past.
That is so good to hear Liz. I've used Surge in the past and had pretty good results, but I wasn't consistent with it. And when my bottle ran out I went to the BSS where I got the 1st bottle and the man said they they stop sell Surge:( . And silly me I didn't even go to another BSS to see if they carried it.

So about a week ago I went to another BSS bcuz I needed some shampoo. Once I picked up the shampoo I decided to stroll the isles just looking for something else to buy (being the product junkie that I am) and to my amazement there were bottles and bottles of Surge. I picked up 2 bottles and been Surging religiously twice a day ever since. I am loving it so far and haven't missed a day yet!
that is really good news :)
wish i was still surging! (dont sell it here in UK i got my last supply from New Jersey)
keep us posted


I think much of this board is about finding what works for you, but it is funny how we sometimes forget what works! My godmother was experiencing breakage and was really unhappy. I recommended and was buying her bottles of Surge and now she is a faithful user. When I started having my own hair issues, I FORGOT WHAT WORKED FOR ME and was just grasping at all these solutions. I am glad that I am back on track now.

For those who have had success with something in the past, dont forget what worked for you.
shoot! Man, if I found something that worked like talkin' about-- I wouldn't EVA stop using it:lol: EVER!!!! Wouldn't be a reason to stop.:)
Sistaslick said:
shoot! Man, if I found something that worked like talkin' about-- I wouldn't EVA stop using it:lol: EVER!!!! Wouldn't be a reason to stop.:)

Girl, I reached bra strap and nobody couldnt tell me nothing. I had reached my goal and started getting all experimental and ish! :grin: :grin: :grin:
I let my stylist give a CUT and cellophane because I wanted something DIFFERENT, now I am kicking myself. Cuz when my hair started breaking I wanted all of it BACK.