"Baby Hair" & Vitamin E


New Member
\"Baby Hair\" & Vitamin E

I've noticed that with my new stylist (since Aug) that because of the way she applies my relaxer I have been sprouting and maintaining "baby hairs". I have come to the conclusion that the other stylists were relaxing (burning) them off. My new stylists bases me really well, then she divides my hair in the four sections like it says to do on the home relaxers, she then starts applying the relaxer to the middle of my head and does the edges and nape last. This has also really helped the hair on my nape to grow and not break. I had always had a problem with this section of my hair breaking because of the way the relaxer was applied and shampoo techs not lifting my neck fully to rinse it out properly. I think that some stylists do the nape (kitchen) and sides first because that's what seems to "go back" the fastest. I think they are doing a misguided attempt at making sure the relaxer "takes" on those sections. I am happy to say that I now have wisps of hair where there was previously none. I also attribute the building up of my temples to the application of Vitamin E (thanx Adrienne /images/graemlins/grin.gif). The funny thing is that I only started this a month ago and I tend not to be consistent (not everyday). I do it at least three times a week, though and it has already made a HUGE difference. I use one capsule on each temple and I don't know if it's the brand of Vit. E or if my previous Vit. E was too old, but it seems not as sticky as a previous brand I used.
Re: \"Baby Hair\" & Vitamin E

OK, I'm in girl.

I've just started using the Vitamin E on my hairline and I'm loving it. I even put some on my ends. I wonder if mine is old because it's pretty sticky as well. None the less I still like what it dones to my hair.
Re: \"Baby Hair\" & Vitamin E

Hey ms kenesha!

I am very close to the DC Metro Area, I am in Northern Virginia, Where have you been going to get your relaxer? I am looking for a good stylist at the moment and you seem to be getting results where you are going. Can you let me know the name, address and number of the place you are going to? My email address is [email protected]! Thanks for your help! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: \"Baby Hair\" & Vitamin E

do you mean vitamin e, as in a gel cap vitamin? like something you would swallow but instead you bust it open? please tell me because i need my edges to grow also
Re: \"Baby Hair\" & Vitamin E

My friend also told me about breaking the gelcaps and rubbing the liquid directly onto the hair. I have baby hair now, but I wonder if it would be effective in areas that are damaged or breaking?