[B]OILS...Whats the difference ?[/B]


New Member
I just read someone mention castor oil makes there hair softer than coconut oil...

Is there really a difference in how your hair acts based on the type of oil you use ?

I see where some use coconut oil for shine, but doesnt olive oil gives mega shine ? And so does veg oil...

so what' s the difference ?

And if there is a differnce, which makes your hair

softer ?

less sticky ?

less weighed down ?

There's a difference for me. Castor oil is heavier so I usually apply it at night (when I get up in the am my hair's absorbed it) or when I'm bunning. Coconut oil is lighter and I use it during the summer as an all over oil or mix it into my conditioners. Olive oil is something that I use in my conditioners, before I go to bed, or during the day (it's great on the skin too... just a little bit got rid of my dryness). When I first started using them I thought I had to put a few hand fulls on my hair but I really don't. Usually just a quarter sized amount or a little bit more.

In terms of blingology (LOL :lol: I have issues) a lil bit of coconut oil or evoo works pretty good. It doesn't leave my hair uber greasy, sticky, or weighted. Castor oil does so you may want to use it solely for up-do's. (Maybe I'm using too much of it to wear it down?)