
New Member
My multi has 100% of all 4 b vitamins. I know that some are you are taking this a separte substance. Is more than the this helpful with a particular aspect of hair health like thickening?
I take 5 of the little puritans pride biotin pills a day and I noticed that each one is 333% of the required daily amount!
I take Walgreens Brand B-Complex along with my multivitamin. It sure is helping me burn off my carbs faster. I cant really say the rate at which my hair has grown since I have started taking this, but I know it is significant to my thicker new growth. The B-Complex didn't break me out either... Ortho-tricyclen took care of turning me into a pepperoni pizza.
I started a B supplement about three weeks ago. I think it is Country Life brand from the health food store I frequent. It has 50 mg of each B vitamin, so it is "balanced." I started taking it to get some additional B5. I also take 1000 mg of biotin and 1000 mg of MSM. I am noticing the softer new growth that others have reported. Can't tell if my hair is thicker yet. I relaxed three weeks ago, and usually my hair is thicker starting with week three. Don't know if I would atribute that to the vitamins or just my natural texture making itself known. My hair is very shiny though.
Ok, I admit it!
I've taken a B Complex along with a separate, additional doses of Pantothenic Acid (500 mgs/morning, 500 mgs/night). I've also taken separate, additional doses of biotin (at a different time from the pantothenic acid). I get greedy sometimes, to say nothing of impatient!
My hair is visibly thicker.
But whether the additional doses were essential or just overkill, I can't say. It didn't hurt, though!
im a vitamin fiend.....cant wait till the first of the month to see what gnc will have in sale.....i also take panthonic acid 1000mg, alson with biotin...3000 mg...alsong with my hf37...wich has both ingredients...
You might want to read about the difference between the RDAs (recommended daily allowances) and ODI's (Optimum Daily Intake). The RDAs are floors...bare minimums to avoid diseases and do not take into account factors which pertain to your individuality like exercise level, overall health, etc. Generally, you should check out fat soluble vs. water soluble for vitamins and look to toxicity levels thereafter. That gives you a much more realistic picture in terms of trying to evaluate what is best for you.

With the B-Complex vitamin, I've been taking one for 11 years. I would not be without it and I think of it as a particularized multivitamin for my hair, skin and nails. Strength and healthy growth to the max.


P.S. I take 50mg a.m. and 50mg p.m....100mg daily. I take the Puritan's Pride brand...better absorption than Solgar which is saying a tremendous thing 'cause I took Solgar for years. Great price, too!