Ayurvedic oils and natural 3c's


Active Member
yeah so I had an epiphany this weekend. As I was waiting for my hair to air dry so I could do my twisties...I realized something...Why did my hair look totally wavy and ringlet like? (no product) Then it dawns on me...All this time I thought my hair was being bipolar but I was treating it more as 4a/b-ish when it's really 3c! oh yeah pic of twisties is here http://www.myspace.com/sulliestorm05

Ok so change of tactics..

My questions is this...Anyone who is a natural 3c do you use any Ayurvedic products or are they too heavy for your hair? This seems to be my problem with my hair. Some oils are too heavy, even coconut oil, it just sits on my hair instead of soaking in. But anyways what products do natural 3c use?

I tried using the search feature but I got a blank screen. :wallbash: Hate that thing. Or if there's any threads could you bump them or send me a link please?
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I use amla, jasmine and coconut oils as well as castor oil. I put them on my scalp and hair at night and usually rinse in the morning. I don't find them too heavy for normal everyday styling. If I want to do something special to my hair, then I shampoo the oils out and only use the jasmine oil to seal and shine..